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Tw: slight mention of g*n

"Tooru! Get the door!"

17 year old Oikawa Tooru never believed in miracles. They were stupid and backed up with no scientific evidence. What reason did he have to believe?

"The door!" his mother shouted again.

"I'm getting it!" He replied, dropping his controller on the couch and getting up.

A man with long black hair tied to the side stood at their porch in a white suit. His two tall and built bodyguards behind him standing there, guarding him.

Oikawa squinted at the man.

"Who is it?" His mother asked, coming up behind him. When she spotted the man's bodyguards with guns strapped to them, she frowned and pulled Tooru behind her.

"You're Hinata Uki." She said, a little confused.

Oikawa understood her reaction, It's not everyday a billionaire stood at your door. Oikawa had seen him before, though since the architecture exhibition, he found this man deeply annoying.

Upon seeing her, Uki paused for a second then blinked at her, his cheeks flushing slightly, "may I come in?" He asked, smiling now.

She raised her eyebrows in curiosity then nodded, stepping aside to let him in, her hand never leaving Tooru's wrist. "but not them." She said, nodding at the bodyguards.

"Of course." The man grinned at her.

When they all settled down on the couches, Oikawa-san on one couch, Uki on the other one across them.

Tooru walked in, carrying some cookies and tea, he set it down on the coffee table between them and sat beside his mother.

The man leaned forward to pick up a cup, he took a sip and set it down gently.

"I'm Hinata Uki, though of course you know that," He smiled at Oikawa-san, "and I want your son."

She looked him up and down for a second and leaned back, folding her arms, "you better rephrase that right now."

He laughed a bit, ". . .your son is a genius. My company has been monitoring him since he displayed his ideas at the exhibition last year and he has shown excellent performance since. I want your son to come work for me."

Oikawa-san and Tooru shared a look then her attention shifted back to the man, "He's 17."

Uki smiled, "that's the age we jumpstart careers."

Oikawa-san glanced at Tooru who's eyes were wide, and looked back at the man, "how much money do you want?"

Uki blinked at her like she was joking, "oh, non, non. No money. I only want him to come work for me, I'll see if he's worth the investment— and you're allowed to come whenever, of course. See the company and everything."

Oikawa-san looked at her son who shrugged unknowingly, "where are you gonna take him?"


Her mouth fell, "France?! There's no way! He's still a kid."

Uki pouted, "he's 17, he's old enough. . ."

She shook her head, "of course he's not. He is going to start college soon, he has to get his degree first—

Uki slung one leg over the other. He sighed, bored, "he doesn't need to. . . Your boy's a genius. He's 17, such a young age," Uki smiled, "he's got the brains and the beauty. He can go to college anywhere."

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