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Two weeks later Oikawa emailed him, inviting iwiauzmi to a conference at Oikawa Enterprises a week from now, to discuss details of the contract.

Iwaizumi was surprised. He knew it was inevitable, he obviously will have to see him again sometime. But he couldn't bring himself to. He had kept his blinds shut at almost all times for the last 2 weeks, had avoided going out of the building unless it was an absolute necessity.

He didn't even know why he was avoiding the other man but after Oikawa indirectly admitting what a much bigger of an asshole iwiauzmi's father was, there had been a stiff amount of tension between them. Obviously not because Iwaizumi blamed Oikawa for anything but he still couldn't face him.

Not to mention, Oikawa's drunk flirting, which, by the way, was definitely up a notch than his regular amount of flirting. But it wasn't that big of a deal since Oikawa probably didn't remember a thing.

Iwaizumi hated this tension.

Even their emails were stiff and uncomfortable, signed by his secretary and not himself. Oikawa's personalised hand written letters stopped coming.

Iwaizumi had felt incredibly pathetic after he had stared at Atsumu with hope the moment he walked in to deliver his daily files and letters on day 5 of no contact from Oikawa.

It felt like withdrawal.

He huffed. Whatever. It's not like Oikawa was jumping up at the chance to see him.

Then he groaned at himself for childishly huffing. As if he didn't already feel like a child next to Oikawa.

Even if they were only 5 years apart, It felt like a huge difference.

Why? Because Oikawa had spent all his life in this business? Because he was cocky and always acted like he had life figured out? Or because he actually knew what he was doing?

He bet Oikawa didn't spare a moment to think about him. Did Oikawa  even know how old Iwaizumi was? If not, he would gladly like to keep it that way, thank you very much.

A knock bought him back to the present.

He shifted in his chair and uttered a 'come in.' He watched as Atsumu walked in carrying his famous folder.

He threw a nervous grin at Iwiauzmi and wordlessly crouched down in front of a nearby shelf to sort through some stuff, putting papers from his folder to different files.

After a while in silence, he cleared his throat, "are ya' fighting with that bastard?"

Iwaizumi looked towards him from afar, "no. Why would I?"

"His letters stopped." Atsumu shrugged.

"Not my concern."

Atsumu hummed and continued doing his work.

Iwaizumi felt restless, "why do you care, anyway?"

"Oh I don't. But that jerk face had Omi-Omi delivering his letters even though it isn't even his job," he scoffed, "somethin about not trusting any of his other employees. And ya never write him back so I don't have an excuse to go see him. So I haven't. Seen him. For 2 weeks, but who's counting."

Iwaizumi was.

"Why don't you just ask Sakusa out?"

Atsumu looked at him like he was an idiot for even suggesting it, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because. I don't even know if he's into men."

"Take a chance."

Atsumu snorted, "looks who's talking."

Iwaizumi frowned at him, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you like him?"

"What? No! He's insufferable. And his personality sucks ass. He's annoying and he flirts with every breathing thing. You're mad for even suggesting—

Atsumu laughed, "who are you talking about? I didn't even say a name!"

Iwaizumi looked at him with a wildly confused expression, "Oikawa...?"

"No, I meant Omi-kun," He shook his head fondly, "do you like him. . . for me? You've met him more times than I have. Do you think he could like me?" He smiled cheekily.

Iwaizumi scowled at him, his face flushed, "get the fuck out."


"Do you think he's thinking about me?"

Sakura snickered, "no."


Oikawa sat in the conference room at the head seat. Sakura was sitting to his left, munching on chips. Only two of them in the room. He gazed out the large glass window with a pout.

Sakura rolled his eyes, "why do you even care anyways if he's thinking about you or not? You hate that guy."

Oikawa smiled. He fidgeted with his necklace, "I don't hate him when he's on his knees for me."

"When has he ever been on his knees for you?" Sakura said, exasperated.

"Fine!" He threw his hands up, "I don't hate him when I'm on my knees for him."

Sakura laughed at him playfully, "you're so pathetic," she popped another chip in her mouth, "I heard he has a boyfriend now."

Oikawa threw his upper body on the table, limbs falling uselessly on the table with a thump. His face towards Sakura. She held out a chip to his mouth. He took it with his teeth pathetically and chewed.

"He wasn't even that good looking." Sakura said, trying to comfort him.

Oikawa nodded, his cheek squishing on the table, "and his seriousness would piss anyone off."

Sakura leaned forward, making him eat another chip. She nodded thoughtfully, "he didn't even get sarcasm. Sarcasm! Half your humour is pure sarcasm."

"He didn't even get humour."

"His bangs were uneven."

"His name literally means cow!"

"Then why was he weirdly obsessed with swans?" Sakura's rubbed her thumb and a finger at her chin jokingly.

Oikawa laughed loudly.

He stood up and buttoned his blazer, "he wouldn't even fuck me on the table. That's literally what gets me off! Ushiwaka, that bastard!"

Sakura grinned and stood up as well, "you'll find someone way better. They'll laugh at your jokes and rail you on that damned table."

They both dived in for a hug. Sakura patted his back softly.

Oikawa pulled back, "so, now that we're on good terms—

"What did you do?" She deadpanned.

"Nothing! God." He smiled nervously. Sakura folded her arms.

He flailed his hand, "ahh okay! I emailed Iwa-chan and invited him for the conference!"


"I'm sorry!"

"I told you not to contact him for Atleast a month! Don't you get strategy?!"

"It just happened!"

"HOW did it just happen? You wrote an email by accident?"

"No you don't understand!" He jabbed a finger at her accusingly, "he's the only person who's immune to my charms and it's driving me crazy!"

"OH sO it's about your fucking ego!"

"No! It's about him being a bitch and his refusal to acknowledge that I'm the sexiest bitch alive on this planet!"

"Oh my fucking god who cares! why are you psychoanalysing him? maybe he's asexual!"

". . ."

Oikawa blinked at her.


Love u guys!! Thank u for reading <3

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