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Putting aside the chaos and gasps, it wasn't AS bad as Oikawa had thought it would go. he had expected a few disapproving looks and scoffs but still Iwaizumi handled it well, he only kept quiet and carefully stood up to bow.

good, Oikawa thought, he was in no position to disrespect anyone back. his father has done enough damage.

He sipped on champagne quietly after the metting was dismissed, the conference room cleared out as Sakura guided everyone to a hall for the after party.

blinking up at one of the bright chandleiers, Oikawa let out a sigh.

He leaned against a wall next to a giant ugly painting, gulping down some more alcohol as he saw Mr. Choi approching.

no judging.

It was needed.

"Oikawa," Mr. Choi scoffed, "seriosuly? him?,"

Tooru was too busy staring at him to even register Mr. Choi's next words. He smiled at Iwaizumi laughing across the room at soemthing Sakura said.

but Mr. Choi would not back off. he definitelty wanted to push Oikawa to his limits because the next thing Oikawa saw was Mr. Choi's fingers snapping in front of his face a couple times, "are you even listening to me, Oikawa? dont you know his father was a fraud? do you want history to repeat itself."

it was annoyingly rhetorical, Oikawa knew as much.

He smiled at the old man tightly.

Mr. Choi raised his brows, "and what would the Monsieur say about all this?"

Oikawa straightened up. he slipped his hands in his trouser pockets and leaned forward, "are you threatening me?" his voice was quiet but dangerous.

the man scoffed, "do i need to?"

"oh you think you could?"

He shook his head, "Oikawa . . . all I'm saying is that he is young and inexperienced. Once the Monsier finds out about this, surely he will disapprove," he mocked, "or will you coax him into listening to your whines once again? we're all aware that you're his favorite."

Oikawa wanted to rip his throat out.

He laughed loudly instead, a few heads turning towards them, "my dear Mr. Choi," he fake cooed, exaggerating every word, "how many times have i made it clear? just because i wont have sex with you doesn't mean i fuck the Monsieur,"

Mr. Choi held up his hands defensively, "listen Tooru--

"you listen to me," Oikawa took a step forward to sneer at him, the man stepped back unknowingly, Oikawa's tall frame overpowering, "say what you want about me but I've never fucked my way up to the top, the sooner you accept it the better."


"so you gave him the contract?"

"yes, sakura, i did."

". . .for real?"


". . ."

Oikawa squinted his eyes, "you have something to say, say it."

". . ."

"say it!"

"fine! whatever," she folded her arms, "you don't like him one bit, okay? . . .you hate him. and he hates you just as much. So excuse me for being bothered but i don't know how it's going to work when he has to go on a that trip to meet the monsieur or when he has to work with you for a whole year, it's going to be a mess and you know it," she shook her head, "i just don't understand, why him?"

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