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IF someone HAD to be killed, who would you prefer it be? And u can't say Hotaru

cw: nsfw (not explicit)


Oikawa woke up around two hours later. He squinted in the dark. The sun hadn't come up yet and it was snowing.

6: 12 am. The nightstand clock read.

Before events in which he'd likely be photographed a million times, he preferred to sleep early to get a good rest though he was never able to because the excitement plus anxiety kept him awake. It was like his mind was running. So it didn't matter if he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. He had always been a night owl anyways.

He swallowed then, staring at Iwaizumi's face illuminated by the slight moonlight and a billion passing lights outside their huge window.

The quiet blocked out sounds of cars zooming by, comfort of snow falling, soothing hum of the heater and Iwaizumi's soft sighs.

Paris was awake even in the early hours of the morning and so was he.

It was calm. Relaxed.

It was everything Oikawa had ever wanted.

I'm in love with you.

That's what Iwaizumi had said.

Oikawa blushed, pulling the duvet up higher making it rest just below their shoulders.

"Stay." He whispered between them. Even though Iwaizumi couldn't hear it, "I love you more . . . be with me forever, Iwa-chan."

He blinked at the other, worried for a second that he would hear. Iwaizumi would laugh at him for being this sappy. But in seriousness, he would reassure Oikawa; tell him he understood how he felt.

Oikawa didn't realise when his eyes filled with tears.

Iwaizumi wanted to be with him.

Iwaizumi chose him.

Oikawa leaned in to kiss his head and raised a slender hand to softly brush his cheek. The hues of blues and purples from outside made Iwaizumi appear ethereal.

Iwaizumi was beautiful. Oikawa knew that. So pretty in the most masculine way possible, with a body to match. with a grin so determined and green eyes which went soft only for him. Voice the opposite of his.

Iwaizumi shifted in his arms. After a minute the sighing resumed. Oikawa couldn't help but smile fondly. He placed his palm gently on the other's hair and kissed it again, hand sliding down to cup his cheek instead.

He let out a quiet, nervous laugh, "I'll never understand why you'd choose someone like me." so weak behind the facade. So insecure he couldn't even accept love, Care. Couldn't accept being made love to.

"Hajime, never leave me."

Oikawa didn't realise how much he needed him until they were apart. Until they were apart and he felt exactly like he did all those years he couldn't see his Iwa-chan.

Iwaizumi was perfect. Iwaizumi was his. Iwaizumi loved him. Iwaizumi was in love with him.

Iwaizumi cuddled closer to him, his face in the dip of Oikawa's neck, ". . . why are you awake?" he mumbled, voice raspy from sleep.

Oikawa stuttered, desperately wanting to know how much Iwaizumi heard, ". . . you are too" He whispered back.

"Mhm . . . Just now," he placed a kiss along Oikawa's neck, "why are you?" His voice was deep. Oikawa loved him too much.

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