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(CW: slight nsfw ?)

Oikawa moaned as Iwaizumi kissed his neck then licked at the spot.


"I know." Iwaizumi gripped the back of his thighs and whispered, "jump."

He did and Iwaizumi caught him with his hands gripping Oikawa from below. Oikawa wrapped his legs around Iwaizumi's torso.

Iwaizumi pushed forward causing Oikawa's back to hit his bedroom wall, hard. Their shirts were already off so the concrete wall felt icy against his warm and flushed skin.

"I missed you." Iwaizumi confessed.

"Show me then." the upward curve of Iwaizumi's smirk made him regret his words the moment they left his mouth.

Iwaizumi turned them around and dropped Oikawa on his bed. The Pearls around his neck clinked.

Iwaizumi stood at the foot of the bed, watching as Oikawa panted beneath him. If felt weirdly superior — as if watching Oikawa Tooru tremble with pleasure was a reward.

Oikawa's eyes were hazy and low when he slowly curled his arms behind his head. Oikawa wasn't insecure about his looks. He wanted Iwaizumi to look at him, all of him.

Iwaizumi breathed out slowly, trying to calm himself down. He didn't know how they ended up here, making out in the glow of Tokyo lights illuminating Oikawa's bedroom while being almost naked.

Iwaizumi came to surprise him at his doorstep at almost midnight. He had been sleeping but when he saw Iwaizumi after four whole days, standing at his doorstep, he didn't even try to contain his visible happiness when Iwaizumi hugged him by the waist, tight and content.

He wasn't complaining.

"Don't make me wait, Iwa-chan." Oikawa teasingly slurred up at him, the midnight raspy voice was enough to take Iwaizumi out.

"Are you bossy in bed too?" Iwaizumi bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling.

Oikawa groaned, "Come here and kiss me."

"Don't give me orders, you asshole."

"I do what I want."

"Oh, really? do you?"

"Of course—

Iwaizumi climbed on him and inclined down to place a kiss on Oikawa's crotch.

Oikawa inhaled sharply as his hand quickly shot below to grab onto Iwaizumi's hair, "Iwa-chan," he scowled but was blushing so bad, "that's cheating."

Iwaizumi frowned, "you're cheating all the time, then."

Oikawa raised his eyebrows and released his grip on the other man's hair, "how is that?" he knew well enough what the other man meant. (You're cheating all the time then, by looking like that.)

Iwaizumi winked.

Oikawa let out a laugh then, surprised, "what's  gotten into you?"

Iwaizumi laced their fingers together and rolled his eyes, "I just missed you."

"Did you?"


"Hm. You see how the tables have turned."

"Yeah, and it's your fault."

"How is it my fault, Iwa-chan?"

Iwaizumi didn't reply instead kissed Oikawa's collarbone, the side of his face then his lips.

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