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Iwaizumi rummaged through Oikawa's closet, his dresser and even looked under the bed.

He knew Oikawa was smart enough to not leave any loose threads and he worked harder than all the other businessmen Iwaizumi knew of but well. . . no rich man was a clean man.

He went through Oikawa's dresser, there was nothing but clothes and a few magazines which had Oikawa himself on the front cover.

Iwaizumi scrunched up his nose.

He went out the bedroom and looked around. It seemed normal. The usual.

He walked around, opening up several doors. He opened the door a few steps away, at the end of a short corridor.

He slowly peaked inside.


It was Oikawa's office.

His laptop sat there right on the large brown desk made of glass.

Iwaizumi dropped in his office chair and opened the laptop.


His tried several passwords (Oikawa's birthday, Uki, Uki123, Shoyou, his mother's name) which were all fucking stupid because Oikawa would never put a password that simple.

Iwaizumi gave up and sighed as he leaned back in the office chair, rotating slowly.

The guilt was eating him alive but well . . . also, revenge and his father's approval seemed comparable and almost as good as Oikawa's lips on his.

He knew it was too good to be true.

Oikawa Tooru was too good to be true.


Back in Oikawa's bedroom, Iwaizumi laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, arms behind his head.

It didn't just start, you know.

You don't just start liking someone out of the blue. There's always that one moment or several pieced together to make you realise that fuck I'm in so much trouble.

Makes you realise goddamn here we go again.

Which, particularly, wasn't the case for Iwaizumi because he had simply never moved past the crush phase.

He could never actually develop feelings for people.

Which made him feel like maybe he was the problem.

It wasn't true.

No one ever really matched up to his standards.

Then Oikawa Tooru, single-handedly made him realise on a clear night who he was messing with.

Oikawa Tooru pissed on Iwaizumi's standards so bad with his intellect and a billion dollar smile.

And it was that moment a few months ago, before the car kiss, before the hotel, before that horrifyingly embarrassing impulsive hotel kiss, before the contract.

Iwaizumi turned to his left to face the glass wall and blinked a few times.

He remembered that exact moment he knew in his heart that he fucked up and there was no going back.

The first few months he took over the company, he had to work for Oikawa to compensate for the major fuck up his father created.

Visiting sites and different businessmen at their offices for work stuff was usual. He wouldn't say that he enjoyed being in the same car with Oikawa for hours and hours a day but he got to learn a lot.

For some reason, Oikawa pushed him to learn. Though, he was sure that Oikawa had some ulterior motive.

On a particular clear night, they were going home after a long, long day. They both sat in the back as Kunimi, Oikawa's driver, drove the car.

After some time, Oikawa fell asleep, his head resting against the window and Iwaizumi was glad. He was too tired to listen to Oikawa's blabbing.

But well, God had hated Iwaizumi all his life because the moment their car almost crashed into a truck, Oikawa had jerked awake from his sleep and held onto Iwaizumi, saving him before his face could hit the front.

When he looked down at Oikawa's face illuminated by the street lights, his eyes were panicked but tired at the same time and his breathing was rapid.

Kunimi mumbled out a plain sorry and continued driving in silence.

Oikawa stared up at Iwaizumi with wide eyes as he was protectively hugging the younger man, "are you stupid?" He had snapped, "you could've been hurt!"

Iwaizumi frowned, baffled at Oikawa's reaction, ". . . You're the one not wearing a seat belt."

Oikawa didn't even glance at himself to check but instead his eyes stared into Iwaizumi's soul, "Are you okay?"

He nodded and Oikawa had given him a nod right back.

"Okay. . ." Oikawa mumbled out tiredly and sighed then dropped his head in Iwaizumi's lap, going back to sleep. His arms were still loosely hugging Iwaizumi's torso.

The damage was already done and Iwaizumi had never looked at Oikawa the same.

The fact that Oikawa saved him before even worrying about himself made him want to jump off a building and drown in an ocean at the same time.

And at night he rolled in bed, unable to sleep. The next day they didn't talk about it and when he offhandedly mentioned it, Oikawa didn't even remember it.

Oikawa was worried about him even in his subconscious and that was enough to drive Iwaizumi over the edge.

He turned on his back again now, staring up at Oikawa's bedroom ceiling.

Iwaizumi sighed.

There was nothing to poke around.

Oikawa was too smart.

He sighed again and opened Oikawa's side table drawer for some aspirin—




Iwaizumi stared at a black, leather notebook staring right back at him. It was scratched in some places and looked terribly old.

He swallowed.

A taped piece of paper on the cover spelled out,



Don't call iwaizumi stupid for realising he liked Oikawa that way okay it's a true story of my friend, yeah. that's right. . . My friend yep. .. ofc

Thanku for reading <3

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