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[better miya added sakusa to IWA ENTERPRISE GROUP CHAT]

[better miya changed sakusa's name to Omi<3]

kurhoe: what is this homoerotic shit going on between u two

[Omi<3 changed his name to sakusa]

better miya: please?

sakusa: what is your problem?

better miya: us

sakusa: there is NO us

kurhoe: ooh tension

[sakusa is typing...]

kurhoe: wait I TAKE IT BACK

better miya: omi pleasee

sakusa: you are infuriating.

akaashi: Atsumu wouldn't know what that means.

better miya: I KNO OKAY

akaashi: sure.

Hana: will you elaborate on yesterday's text ? this time i'm the tiniest bit interested

Bokkun: !!!!!

better miya: AHHHHH

sakusa: stop shouting i can literally hear you from my room

better miya: alright hold on i'll come to ur room

sakusa: wait
that is not what i meant
wait wait

kurhoe: ooooohooooi

sakusa: don't come miya

kurhoe: please cum

better miya: aight im here

sakusa: i can see that

Hana: damn why do u two live together if u hate him

sakusa: he keeps clean

better miya: u literally scare me thats the only reason why

kurhoe: lmfao

sakusa: works for me.

bokkun: tsumu telll us

better miya: AHHHHH

kurhoe: what the fuck

Hana: 3excuse me????

akaashi: his?

better miya: OIKAWA'S

kurhoe: damn things getting heated already

akaashi: i admit this is shocking but there must have been some kind of misunderstanding. you're all aware iwaizumi-san doesn't have sex.

bokkun: yes he said he doesn't
kashii is right !!

kurhoe: tsumu stop telling us fake news

better miya: ITS NOT FAKE!! i SAW IT

akaashi: did you ask him afterwards?

better miya: no?????? i ran away
what the fuk

sakusa: i might have some news

Hana: yes??

kurhoe: omf it's happening
kiyoomi is joining us

better miya: shuddup u whore let him talk

sakusa: Oikawa-san has been spending quite some time with Iwaizumi-san. i have access to Oikawa-san's car tracker. it has been parked in front of Iwaizumi-san's since yesterday.
way before Miya's inappropriate text.

better miya: see i wasn't lyin!!!

Kurhoe: still this doesn't prove they were fuvking as atsumu described

akaashi: yes.

Hana: i agree. if they had sex that means that hajime loves him.

akaashi: exactly. iwaizumi-san has made his preferences incredibly clear since Mr. Iwaizumi keeps trying to set him up.

kurhoe: we know smartass we were all there

akaashi: okay. pain in the ass kuroo-san.

kurhoe: hey!

Hana: i'm pretty sure hajime isn't in love

atsumu: if he were, he'd tell us

Hana: exactly.

akaashi: even if he didn't, it would have been incredibly obvious.
everyone, keep eyes on how iwaizumi-san behaves in front of Oikawa.

better miya: agreed
also they spent the night together,, that's a start

bokkun: akkashhhi u r so smart :*

akaashi: thank you, Bokuto-san.

better miya: stop
you two make me feel so single.

Hana: sucks for you i guess

[sakusa changed his name to Omi<3]

better miya: OMI

kurhoe: romance is alive


filler chapter
going home tom finally !!!!! get ready for daily updates <3

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