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Dearest Iwa-chan~

First off letting you know that I'm writing this letter all by myself. By hand, if you couldn't already notice. So I'm going to forget about all the formalities. never mind that.

I don't have a lot of free time so let's get straight to the point, I don't understand why you want to work with me.

We both hate each other. We have different tastes in almost everything. You're annoying and short-tempered. I like to have fun. You're more of a serious person than anyone I've ever met.

Is it because of fame? A larger sum of money? Or simply because you hate me so much you'd like for me to get out of the way and rule this city all on your own. You can try me. I'm not going to let that happen.

Is it because you want to fuck me so bad? You're not my type anyway.

Or do you genuinely want the contract because it would be a step forward. Because if we join forces all the other companies would be beneath our feet. Because it would truly benefit us both.

I hope you have good intentions. I made you wait half an hour Because I knew it would get you riled up. I wanted to see if you'd walk out like all the other entitled dicks or if you were serious.

Also a tiny bit because I enjoy seeing you get riled up. You amuse me. I enjoy seeing your red face whenever you open your blinds and see me on my desk. It is quite funny. You look incredibly stupid.

In hopes of us figuring out this contract together, I'm inviting you to a private party I host every month, I'm sure you're aware. People beg to get in.
If you want to discuss it I'll only be discussing it at the party.

Come if you want.
Saturday, 10:00 pm, 15th floor

— shittykawa

Iwaizumi sat in his office chair as he read the letter for the 15th time today. His head was starting to hurt from processing this.

Night. It was nighttime now and almost everyone had gone home already but Iwaizumi couldn't bring himself to go back to his huge and empty apartment alone just yet.

He sighed and got up from his seat. Loosening his tie, He paced around the room. The lamp giving out just enough dim lightning. He pulled out a beer from the fridge and opened it with a loud snap, the sound echoing in his broad office. He took a sip and scoffed.


This guy had no shame.

He just assumed Iwaizumi was in it either for money and fame or because he wants to have sex.

Iwaizumi laughed at the absurdity.

Sex with him? As if.

He hated that asshole.

Was it too bad if he was only in it to get back at his father? To prove he could do so much better than his father would ever be able to. And to smack his achievements in his face. Pathetic excuse of a father. Iwaizumi shook his head to keep the memories out of his mind. Not tonight.

A knock startled him out of his thoughts. He glanced up to see Hana walking in, her phone pressed to her ear and an irritated expression on her face, "—Why? Is it about the contract? No? Why? Are you sure he said that? Don't call me that. It's Hana not Hana-mi. I don't care. Okay. Don't contact me again—Because I said so." She pressed the end call on screen and looked towards Iwaizumi, exhausted.

"Who was it?" He asked.


"What did she want?"

"She said Mr. Oikawa wants you to open your blinds right now."

Iwaizumi raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

"She said it has something to do with the contract," she huffed and flailed her hand, "I don't know, would you just go and open them? I have work to do." She told him as she went out and shut the door.

Iwaizumi glared at the brown blinds.

He walked towards them and gripped them by both hands. He threw them open. At first it was hard to make out anything. There no bulb lit in the room across him, only moonlight filtering in.

Iwaizumi squinted.

His eyes widened and his face flushed.

Oikawa was lying on his back on his desk, a man was on top of him, his face buried in Oikawa's neck.

Iwaizumi couldn't breath. He couldn't move.

Oikawa arched his back, angling his face backwards, he smirked and winked right at Iwaizumi.

Iwiauzmi shut those stupid blinds so fast, they almost snapped.

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