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[kinda LONG chapter]

Okay so im not gonna discontinue lmfao u guys are too cute

I rlly love this story a lot too and I love iwaoi but it's just overwhelming I feel like I'm not getting their characters canon enough. sometimes people message me saying 'Oikawa wouldn't say that' or 'iwaizumi would never do that' like im sorry I don't reduce oikawas character to a whiny twink bottom or that in my fics iwaizumi actually loves him and cares about him AS HE DOES IN CANON y'all calling iwaizumi abusive because he fights w his bsf?? Get out of here they're literally two teenage boys who have been bsfs since they were born like wtf do u expect ?? How is iwaizumi abusive when HE canonly confessed first at like midnight in the middle of the street?? Did u not get the episode where he narrated Oikawas entire life ?? Are we watching the same show ???

I try to get them as canon as possible but sometimes it's kind of hard considering they play VOLLEYBALL in a SPORTS ANIME so canonly, fuck would I know if Oikawa likes being cuffed or not ???? Bruh

these are the kinds of Things that annoy me and discourage me frm writing when im doing this for fun and for literally free

those of u who comment and read because you love this, Thanku <3 you literally make me want to write more

End of rant-



Omi <3 : someone claimed to be pregnant with Oikawa-san's child a few days ago.

Hana: ?? Youre telling us now ?

Better Miya: im going to k word Oikawa

Kurhoe: it's ok you can say kiss



Better miya: everyone say hi again are you here

Omi <3: hello.

Bokkun: hiii

Omi <3: hello, bokuto-san.


Kurhoe: im here too

Akaashi: hello.

Hana: why are u gathering us here tsumu

Better miya: okay enough with the greetings
I have news

Hana: he's at it again

Akaashi: is it about Oikawa and Iwaizumi-san again?

Omi <3: Oikawa-san really doesn't get honourifics here?

Akaashi: no.

Omi <3: understandable.

Better miya: yes it's about Oikawa and Iwaizumi-san

Kurhoe: yuhhh
Wait let me sit down for this

Hana: literally nothing happened what news do you have

Better miya: someone really claimed to be pregnant with Oikawa's child and I got angry cause iwaizumi-san looks at him w all lovey dovey eyes and he goes and has sex with someone else ?????

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