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27th February. 11:04 pm. You have a new message from father.

"Son... Hajime, it's been a while . . . no . . . I know it's only been a month since Uki and I left Japan but I've missed you so much. I'm settling in well. I think. I know I wouldn't be able to see you for a while. Or as long as you don't forgive me. And want to see me too? I hope you're okay."

3rd march. 4:14 pm.

"Hello. Hajime. How are you? I tried calling but you didn't pick up. I guess you're busy. It's okay. Give me a call soon, son."

9th march. 5:23am.

"Hajime. Are you okay? Are you well? Is Oikawa treating you well— oh, Uki. Yeah yeah I'm okay. Yes Oikawa's okay. yes, go back to sleep. Yes. Yes to Hajime. Go back to sleep. . . Uh yeah as I was saying how are you? I hope you're alright. Call me soon."

16th march. 9:35pm.

"Hello. How are you? Have you been eating well? Shoyou and I went to an aquarium today since Uki was busy. It made me remember how you and I used to go to that one aquarium when you were a child. . . Shoyou and I kept finding fishes that resembled you or Uki or . . . Oikawa. . . I guess Shoyou is quite attached to him. Which is great. Um. Oikawa is fond of him too, I'm aware. . . How was your day?"

19th march. 2:00am.

"Are you getting my messages?"

30th march. 11:12am.

"Hajime. Hope you're okay. Uki has a conference today. I wonder if you and Oikawa would be attending it too. If so, I've told uki to capture a photo of you two. Hope that's alright? I uh I miss your face—son."

12th April. 5:38pm.

"Hello again. how have you been? Uki told me you moved in with Oikawa. Did he ask you to? Is it going well?"

20th April. 2:19am.

"Hello. Hajime. . . I — I don't know how to do this. Do you hate me this much? I know I'm, at fault. I just— I just thought you'd forgive me. I don't know. Atleast speak to me. Even if you yell at your father. Just . . . Say anything."

1st may. 11:29am.

"Hello Hajime. I was wondering if you need the rings your mother picked for you and . . .him. Oikawa. Perhaps you've changed your mind about marriage? If so, I'm happy to mail them to you. No wait Oikawa might find out. I can hand them over to Uki for the next time he visits? Would that be okay? I just. I want to be supportive, son. I'm trying. Please believe me."

18th may. 3:11am.

"Hajime. Looking in Uki's eyes makes me. Makes me miss you. . . The day you were born. Your eyes were like shining emeralds. I miss my favourite pair of green eyes, son. I miss you."

10th June. 12:00am.

"Happy birthday Hajime. I hope you live a long and healthy life. Have a good birthday, son. pick my call up. . . If you can."

28th June. 11:23pm.

"Hajime. How are you? . . . I don't know what to say son. I'm so. Shoyou misses you too. Can you come visit him atleast— do not guilt trip him Taru' what? No. That's not what I'm saying. Just brush your hair and stop interrupting I'm literally just saying to not use Shoyou to say how much you miss— I'm not using him. Just Shutup. . . Hajime. I won't mind even if you bring Oikawa. I won't argue with him one bit— Mhmm lies— I'll accept him I promise. I'm sorry son. Just come here."

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