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When Saturday rolled around, Oikawa pulled out his emerald silk shirt from his closet. No reason.

"You're going to be the most fuckable bitch tonight." Sakura hyped him.

"I'm going to be the most fuckable bitch tonight." He nodded.

"But please only one drink. Since I won't be with you the whole time, remember?"

"Yes yes only one drink."

They were trying to figure out clothes for the evening at Oikawa's apartment, as they did every month. (See: raiding the closet)

He stared at the Tokyo skyline from his broad window and smiled. He runs this city. Pride cursed through him.

He took off his shirt and slipped on the green silk. leaving top two buttons undone, he straightened his necklace and posed to check every angle.

"Can I borrow this?" Sakura asked, a champagne coloured slip on dress in her hand.

"You don't have to ask." Oikawa grinned, "wait that's my good luck dress. Why do you need luck? little Sakura."

"Shut up."

Oikawa groaned, "Oh come on, I tell you everything."

"That's because I'm your only friend."

He rolled his eyes, "do you have other friends?"

She glared at him, "no."

"Exactly. tell me, babe."

Sakura got up to strip down to her underwear. slipping the dress on, she walked over to stand beside Oikawa in front of a floor length mirror, "im trying to woo a girl."

Oikawa laughed brightly and threw his arms around her, "dear god finally. Who? Who is it? Someone from work?," he wriggled his eyebrows, "someone I know?"

She messed up his hair in response.


Iwaizumi Hajime and Hana arrived at the party at 10:30. He walked the familiar route to the elevator, Hana in tow. "Is he really going to talk about the contract?" Hana asked once they were in the elevator, "I mean. This guy has been lagging you behind him for this for months."

Iwaizumi pressed 15, "I know."

She sighed.

The interior was impressing, to say the least. the place was broad and expanded on the entire floor, dimly lit with a great view of the Tokyo skyline. There weren't many people around considering Oikawa's position, maximum 50. They held drinks in hands and were chatting closely. The music fit perfectly, slow but not too slow.

Hana spotted the bar, "thank fuck."

Iwaizumi looked around the place. He scanned the room for Oikawa and breathed out a sigh of relief when he found him. It wasn't hard to miss, Oikawa liked the attention after all.

He was sitting on a couch pressed back to the wall. A barely clothed woman sat beside him, her hand on his thigh. Another person sitting on the arm of the couch, smiling flirtatiously, their hand placed on Oikawa's shoulder. Several alcohol bottles lined the low rectangle coffee table right in front of the couch.

Oikawa swinged his right leg over the other as soon as he recognised Iwaizumi, a half filled wine glass dangling from his hand, "Iwa-chan! I said 10." He slurred.

"I had work."

Oikawa took a sip, "sure you did." The woman edged her hand closer to his crotch. He took another sip, not noticing anything. Or maybe he did notice, Iwaizumi wasn't sure, he frowned, "can we go somewhere— quiet?"

"Hm. Ofcourse." He gulped down his wine and stood up. The woman huffed.

When they walked out the door, a fresh bust of air hit Iwaizumi's face and he sighed in relief.

They walked to the elevator. Oikawa pressed top floor and leaned back, his back thumped against the glass.

"Are you okay?"

"I can hold my liquor."

Oikawa unlocked his office and they walked in. A single lamed turned on by itself as Oikawa clapped once. He walked towards his desk, iwiauzmi following closely behind.

Oikawa tried to jump up to sit on the desk but he stumbled, Iwaizumi instinctively caught him by the waist and helped him sit up.

"You're drunk."

"I'm not."

"It hasn't even been half an hour since your party started."

"I'm not drunk." Oikawa hissed, "now do you want to —to talk about the contract or mock me?"

"You can't even speak okay."


He sighed, ". . . I want the contract because my father is an asshole."

There wasn't a lot of distance between them. Oikawa sitting on the desk with his hands gripping either side of the table, his legs dangling off the table, iwiauzmi standing with his hands in his pockets. Oikawa's knees almost touching the other man.

His lips quirked up, "continue."

"I know together we can conquer it all. I get something to shove in my fathers face and you make more money at a time than you ever have."

"Did you run a background check on me, Iwa-chan?"


Oikawa leaned a bit forward and whispered, "then how do you know how much money I make?"

Iwaizumi scowled at the other man to keep himself from stuttering, "everyone knows how much money you make, don't flatter yourself."

Oikawa smiled and hummed.

"Do you know why I wore this shirt tonight?"

Iwaizumi wanted to shoot a smart remark but he couldn't help his curiosity, "why?"

Oikawa ran his fingers along his tie, Iwaizumi held his breath, "because it matches your eyes."

Iwaizumi blinked. He gulped.

Unfortunately for him, Oikawa noticed his nervousness, he pulled his tie, iwiauzmi stumbled forward a little, almost bumping in the other man.

He steadied himself by gripping the table, his hand on either side of the table, caging Oikawa in between, who looked like he wasn't feeling caged at all.

Oikawa wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around the other's torso, "are you scared of me, Iwa-chan?" He whispered.

"No." Iwaizumi whispered back.

"Intimidated, then?"

"You're drunk." He stated.

"I'm not." Oikawa denied.

"Do you do this with everyone?" Iwiauzmi couldn't help himself, "Get shit faced and then coax them into having sex with you?"

Oikawa laughed, "I do," he admitted without hesitation, "usually their hands are all over me by now, makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with you."

Iwaizumi gripped the table harder, his knuckles turning white, "why?" He demanded.

"I don't know."

"You're drunk." He reasoned, "you're not going to remember anything in the morning."


Iwaizumi stared at him in disbelief, "thats—that's not consent."

Oikawa frowned, "im not— he hicupped, "im not forcing anyone."

"but they are! You shouldn't let anyone touch you when you're drunk as hell."

Oikawa smiled at him and leaned in but he felt far away, "Will you touch me when I'm sober, then?"

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