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"Tooru." Iwaizumi whispered,

Oikawa's eyes widened and he held his breath.

That was the first time Iwaizumi had said his first name. He pronounced it like it was something precious. Like he was afraid to get it wrong.

Oikawa's mouth parted.

He saw Iwaizumi gulp.

"I'm going to do something. . .  stop me if you want."

Iwaizumi was still holding his hand, keeping him close.

Oikawa let out a soft squeak as Iwaizumi pulled him on top on himself in a swift motion, holding him by the waist.

He stared down at Iwaizumi, his breathing uneven.

And the other was staring right back at him, eyes glinting, reminding Oikawa how much he actually wanted him.


Needed him.

The underground parking lot was a lot quieter than the buzzing after party at the top. Gold lights fixed in the basement's ceiling were casting shadows on Iwaizumi's face.

He looked ethereal, blinking up at Oikawa with those eyes like it was nothing. It clenched at Oikawa's heart. The wait felt worth it now.

All those years he was begging to see Iwaizumi again. Now that he was here, looking up at only him. . . Oikawa couldn't breath.

Iwaizumi raised his hand to gently wrap his fingers around Oikawa's tie.

He dragged slowly, or did Oikawa fall forward himself? He couldn't tell.

"Stop me if you want." Iwaizumi repeated in a whisper.

It was hilarious in the moment.

Did Iwaizumi think Oikawa would ever stop him from doing anything?

Iwaizumi could have him however he wanted, or not at all.

Iwaizumi could stab a knife through him and he would gladly take it.

Stop him?

What a joke.

"Iwa-chan. . ."

Iwaizumi inhaled sharply through his mouth, cupping Oikawa's face, "stop me if you want, Tooru—

Oikawa's hands clutched his collar, "I won't. I won't ever. What do you—

Iwaizumi titled his face up to kiss Oikawa on the mouth.

Oikawa blinked for a second and then his eyes fell shut as he melted into the kiss, angling his head to the right to kiss Iwaizumi even deeper.

His grip on Iwaizumi's collar went soft but he still held on.

Iwaizumi's fingertips caressed his spine in a continuous motion, up and down and then up again.

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