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"Currently we're at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. We'll be takin' a flight to Marseille to see our superior and discuss some work—

"Miya, what are you doing?"

Iwaizumi saw Atsumu perk up at Kiyoomi's question.

They were sitting in waiting area of the airport. Iwaizumi glanced at his wrist watch. 9:15 am.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi were sitting across from him, bickering. A few seats away, Hana and Sakura were seated. Sakura's head resting on Hana's shoulder, her eyes shut.

And Oikawa. . . Oikawa had separated from them as soon as they entered the airport, claiming that he needed to use the restroom. Even though he took an hour to get ready back at their hotel.

He still hadn't returned after almost 30 minutes.

"Am makin a vlog, Omi-Omi!"

"Uh huh." Kiyoomi tucked his mask up higher, "why am I in it?"

Atsumu grinned, "well ya know how I'm famous on Instagram. Okay so last night, I posted a photo of you and now the fans want more."

Kiyoomi scowled, "Why did you post my picture?"

"Omi-Omi! It was the selfie we took, remember? I was in it too!"

"Do you guys know when Oikawa's gonna come back?" Iwaizumi interrupted.

Their attention turned towards him.

"Do you want me to check, Iwaizumi-san?" Kiyoomi asked.

"Huh? Oh. no. . .It's fine, I'll go check myself."

"Kiss ass." Atsumu teased Kiyoomi as soon as Iwaizumi got up.

"Shut up, Miya."

Iwaizumi rounded the airport, checking restrooms and food areas until he realised that he could've just called. So he did.

"What?" Oikawa spat as soon as he picked up.

"Where are you?"

"I'll be there on time for the flight."

"Will you be?"


Iwaizumi paused, hesitant, ".  . . Is this about last night?"

"No, " he heard Oikawa laugh through the speaker, " why would it be? We're adults, not teenagers."


"And you said you were sorry. It's alright. Just don't ever touch me again."

Iwaizumi nodded, not realising that Oikawa couldn't see him anyway, "of course. I'm sorry."

"Stop that."

". . ."

"I'm hanging up."



". . . Oikawa, where are you?"


"Seriously? You're hiding in a book store?" Iwaizumi glanced around. The store was pretty big, complete with staircases and three floors. It was bright too. The entire ceiling was made out of transparent glass.

Oikawa was lounging on a humongous bean bag in a corner, legs sprawled out, a book in his hand. His coat was hanging off a chair, "I'm not hiding."

Iwaizumi crouched down on the floor beside him, to steal a glance at his book, "what are you doing then?"

". . . Avoiding."

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