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Tw: m*rder

"So . . . let me get this straight. His father. killed his mother but Iwa-chan doesn't know."

Oikawa nodded.

Uki nodded back slowly, "and how do you know that?"

"I saw it. I was there."

Uki's eyes widened as he stared at Oikawa. They were lying in bed, facing each other and at this angle Oikawa had to look a little up because Uki was taller than him and his legs basically took up all the space.

"What do you mean. . . you were there? I want to know everything, please. Will you tell me, love?"

Oikawa nodded, "Iwa-chan's father didn't like me much—or my mother. Our financial situation was way worse back then. Mom worked two jobs. Sometimes we couldn't even afford to eat. Sometimes she didn't eat for days, fed me instead." He shuddered.

Uki tucked a stand of Oikawa's hair behind his ear.

"But our mothers were best friends. Aunt Iwa used to let me see Iwa-chan whenever Mr. Iwaizumi wasn't home, " Oikawa looked down, fiddling with his fingers, "she used to say she wanted me around him, wanted me to look after him.

"One time they got in an argument— Aunt Iwa and Mr. Iwaizumi. She wanted a divorce because she caught him cheating. I didn't know what the word meant at the time, though. I only came downstairs because the yelling was bothering Iwa-chan. And the next thing I saw was Mr. Iwaizumi smashing a vase on her head.

"Oh, love. . ."

"I didn't know what to do. I went up, pretended like nothing happened until he came and kicked me out."

"You were only 5 . . ." Uki whispered.

"No. No I could have— I should have. . . I told mom and we even went to court but all they did was give us Iwa-chan for a month. Never published anything. They buried all the evidence in the mean time. And then he took Iwa-chan back."

Uki wrapped his arms around him. Oikawa sniffled bitterly, "took him back and took him away.

"Iwa-chan didn't even remember me when he first started going to school. That's the only time I saw him. School. Mr. Iwaizumi got a restraining order against us. I haven't seen him since he was in high school. Mr. Iwaizumi probably hid him in some far away country. . . He probably doesn't even know what his father did." Oikawa looked up at Uki with panicked eyes, "what if he hurts Iwa-chan too?"

"He won't," Uki smoothed down his hair, "I'll find your Iwa-chan, I promise. We might have to make a few sacrifices and a few deals but it will be okay. I'll find you him. "

"I love you" Oikawa told him suddenly.

Uki let out a surprised laugh, kissing the top of his head, "of course you do! . . . Though your feelings for me and Iwa-chan are probably not the same."

Oikawa laughed, "probably."

"So refrain from kissing me, hm?" Uki booped his nose with a finger.

"Yes, sir!"

Uki giggled.

"I don't think my feelings for him are romantic either." Oikawa mumbled after a while.

"I know," Uki smiled at him, "you haven't seen him in years. It doesn't sound romantic, just sounds like you want him to be okay."


Uki smiled, "get some sleep."

"Will you stay?"

"If you want."

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