_× Chapter 9 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

Jeonginnie even was trembling, he was so scared. So I tried to do something against it. I hugged him and pulled him closer to me. Then he placed his hands and head on my chest. I think he didn't realize what he was just doing.

Of course when I would try to convince him to turn off the movie he would be stubborn and would tell me that he is a 'grown man'.

But yeah, I've never seen such a scary movie (XD) before. I wonder from which corner he got that from, like- gosh I'm waisting brain cells.

But one thing was good about that movie, every time something terrible happened, even the tiniest things, he jumped right into my arms like I predicted before.

With every jump, he jump nearer to me and a little bit on top of me.


In the end of the movie, I heard little snores coming from a certain someone, who was a scared cat before. I probably should call him scared cat.

Maybe I was a little bit staring, but of course not thaaat much. He was sleeping like a baby, no he is the baby.

He moved some inches, that he head was laying in the crook of my neck now. I can't believe that that's the boy, which was scared for his life and now he was just sleeping?! I really can't believe it, but like always, it's really cute though.

"Do I really have to carry you all the way upstairs?" I mumbled to myself. After no answer, as expected, I put one arm under the crook of his knee (?) and my other arm around his back, so I would hold him bridestyle.

"Please wake up, I really don't wanna carry you to your room" I mumbled to myself again.

But I got an idea. Tomorrow I'll tell him he has to do a favour for me someday, because I won our 'little bet'. I'm such a genius.



Little updated for today because of the stupid presentation I'm holding tomorrow. 🙄

Thank yo for over 225 reads and 29 votes. I really appreciate it. 💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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