_× Chapter 4 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

"Jeongin?!" I chocked again, but this time on my saliva.

"Seungmin?!!" he screamed even louder in shock.

Meanwhile I was standing and so we just stood there and stared at each other, both don't really realising what was happening.

Luck in my life proved again. How I'm supposed to babysit him? My classmate?

"Wait? You guys know each other?" His mum stoped our little 'staring contest'. "Yes, Mrs. Yang. Jeongin is my classmate." I commented. Jeongin still was in a state of not answering.

"Muuuuuum, please. I can stay home alone! I don't want to stay with him!" He begged his mother all of the sudden. Well that hurt. I don't know how he came to this sentence because I've never even talked to him and never did something bad to him. Maybe it's because I'm his classmate.

"Yang Jeongin!" Shits about to go down when parents call you by your full name. "You're going to stay here with him because we're leaving. No discussion, no excuses!" Mrs. Yang shouted at him. She went even further: "You know we can't leave you home alone!" I wonder what he did.

"But..." Jeongin tried to begin but then found words fast: "Hold on. Did you tell him that part?!" He was already tearing up.

"Yes, now stop it. You're embarrassing me in front of Seungmin. Your dad and I are leaving. Now." And with that she called Mr. Yang, took their suitcases and and walked to the door.

"No. You're always embarres me in front of people." Jeongin sobbed as he faced the floor and tears already were falling on the floor.

"Whatever" his mother said and closed the door. They didn't even say bye or hugged their son. How rude.

This room now was filled with Awkward Silence (;)).

No one said just one word. No one dared to look at the other.

After few seconds of silence, I had to do something. The silence was killing me. I looked at him. His head still faced the floor and he tried to wipe his tears away with his sleeves of the black hoodie he already wore in school today.

Now I have to say something. Really faaast. "Hey... do... do our other classmates know that you're a Little or what it is called?" I tried to start.

"No..." he began to cry even harder. Wrong move, Seungmin. Wrong Move.
"...and you're gonna tell them, right!?" He said really mad.

"No! No! I'm not! I promise! I'm not going to tell them!" I panicked. I walked in his direction and hugged him. "Don't worry I'm honestly not." I whispered in his ear. "Please don't cry... I can't see you like that." I whispered another time in his ear and this time I patted his head.

After a few minutes he stoped crying but still sobbed a little bit. "B-but..." Jeongin stumbeled and ended his senteced there. Then he rested his head on my shoulder.

After some minutes standing there and hugging, I changed the subject: "Hey, do want to play something?" I asked him because it was so quiet.

He released the hug and looked me in my eyes. His eyes began to sparkle like stars were reflecting there. I looked up, were there any stars at the ceiling?

"Hyung, what are you dwoing?" Jeongin tilted his head and looked at me like a puppy, not like a fox. A fenec fox. Don't ask me how I came up with that. He sounded even cuter, what did he do with his voice? Is he Little now?

He still looked at me with that expression because I didn't answered. "Oh nothing" I smiled at him.

"Come on Hyungieee~ I wannwa plaaaay. I wannwa show you Teddy. He's in my rwoom!" Jeongin said happily.

"Of course." I let out a little giggle.

I thought it would be weird seeing a nearly grown man behaving like I kid. But it's really cute. Especially when it comes to Jeongin. Every time I would see him in class I would think he's very cute, but now I'm getting diabetics.


This chapter was a little bit sad I know. I had to start with something dramatic, but don't worry there'll be a lot of fluff in  the next 5-10 Chapters. I already wrote them. XD

Question of today: What's your favourite era of Stray Kids?

Mine is Clé 1: Miroh because this comeback flashed me like sjskskkskskskksk. ❤😂

Thank you for reading my story and 50 views. ❤❤❤

Hope you have a good day ♡

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