_× Chapter 31 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

"You're free to leave. Go to your room now." My mum said coming back from a phone call. "Finally..." I said under my breath that she couldn't hear it. I suffered a lot just 'waiting' with my mum in one room, our living room, to 'spent' time with her. Did she really think that made me happy?

Anyways I went to my room and threw myself on the bed. Seungmin. What was he doing? I think about him everyday. I have distract myself, now.

So I took my Nitendo Switch out and played some games. I couldn't concentrate well. Maybe because I was distracted by my thoughts. I saved the game and turned my Switch off.

Distracting wasn't effective. I laid down at my bed and stared at the ceiling, the life here, I mean just here in this house, was boring. There wasn't much I could do home alone.

"Jeongin!" I heard coming from downstairs, probably my mum. "Yeah?" I shouted back. "Come downstairs please!" She added.

What was she up to? Do I have to 'spent' more time with her? I'd rather lay in my bed being bored, because there wasn't anything to do.

Sadly, I had to get up to go downstairs. "Why are you calling me?" I whined and kinda lazily walked down the stairs. It was completely quiet.

"Mum? Where are you?" I asked confused. No answer. "Wow I came all the way dow- aaAAH" The end of the sentence was a big squeak. Two big hands covered my eyes suddnely. It felt like I got a heart attack because it scared the hell out of me.

I turned around and the someone took their hands off my eyes. That couldn't be my mother.

"What?!" I shouted as I saw who was standing in front of me. That couldn't be. It couldn't be him. Am I dreaming? "Hello Innie!" He said and smiled softly and he pulled me into a tight hug. Is all of this just a big illusion?

"S-Seungmin, h-how... y-you're h-he-re." I sobbed as tears of joy streamed down my face.

I really haven't realized how much I missed him in all that amount of time. I hugged him back too. His arm laid on my back and my arms laid behind his neck.

We had many hugs, and even long hugs before, but none of them felt so special like this one.

"I-I m-missed y-you s-so m-much." He began to cry too and hugged me even tighter. "M-me t-too" I cried.

We hugged and hugged and it seemed like there wasn't an ending of it. But sadly we had to separate.

I looked around, Mrs. Kim was here too and of course my mum. The two mum's had teary eyes too.

"W-what, w-w-why y-you c-changed your m-mind, m-mum?" I asked my mum, breaking the hug to face her.  Hyungie then hugged me again, but from behind, so we two could look at our two mums.

"I was so selfish. I'm sorry to hurt you like that, I hadn't realised how much Seungmin meant to you. I saw how you lost your happiness. I'm so sorry, honey." My mum apologised, and there was it, the first petname ever.

"R-really?" I cried even harder. She nodded so I kinda ran to her to hug her too. "Your mum really means it." Mrs. Kim now joined this all. "She apologised to us and explained everything." She added.

"Well the last years I kind of didn't knew how much I made you sad because of my behaviour. From now I try to be a good mother. I-I'm s-so sorry." My mum explained.

"It's okay." I broke the hug. "I'll forgive you if you let me see Seungmin whenever I want and if I can go to school again." I said and whipped the remaining tears out of me face. Also, I've never thought that I would say something like that about school.

"Of course. Whenever you want, honey" she smiled. I've never seen such a real smile of her.

I fell back into Hyungie's arms again and burried my face into the crook of his neck. His scent, that I adore so much, haven't changed.

"You two can spend time even now, honey." She suggested. I smiled at Minnie and he smiled back. "Can we go outside?" Seungmin asked my mum.

"Of course, I'm not holding you back" my mum said. Wow, it really looks like my mum is a complete different person now. "Then I know the perfect place we can go to." Hyungie intertwined our fingers.

"Lets go" Hyungie said and pulled me after him outside.


Hiiii 🙋🏼‍♀️

Jeongmin made a comeback let's partyyyyyy 😂😂😂🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉

There'll be two or three more chapters till the end. 😁💜

So @vHanhn posted her Ff. Go support, like and comment if you're German! She's such an amazing writer OoOOooOoFff obsessed already 

Thanks for the support and all your love. Love ya 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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