_× Chapter 23 ×_

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Soooo.. first I wanna apologise for not updating. You wanna know the reason? I'm literally dead after this Comeback and because of thinking about the weird stuff happening in the MV. I got my theory an that XD.


Look at his ears sjjsjsjsjjsjs

Look at his ears sjjsjsjsjjsjs

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(Btw The Seungin Content we deserve *-*)

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(Btw The Seungin Content we deserve *-*)

So yeah let's start with the chapter. 💜


Seungmin Pov

"Where were you two? Didn't I told you to stay at home, Yang Jeongin?" His mother glared at us and said in a strict tone.

"Just shopping." I answered quickly, ignoring her last sentence. "Is that right?" His father now asked, but he as nicer than his mum.

They give me the vibes of control freaks. "Yes it is." Innie said bored not even looking at his parents.

"Don't give me that attitude! And why you were out there so late?" His mother now raised her voice.

She really was searching for something to hit on us. I knew his mother was, let's say, not so friendly, but that was really annoying.

Innie didn't responded, what should you even say to that, but that pissed her even more off.

"So did I gave you the permission to go outside with him, Seungmin?" I was her target now. "I'm sorry I didn't knew that." I apologized politely, trying to not make things even worse.

"You're so irresponsible!" She said, no, she shouted. What happened to her that she was so angry. I don't really believe that it's our fault, we just went outside.

"Mrs. Yang, please don't treat him like a monster that can't be seen from others. What did he even do to deserve this?" I said so politely as I could.

I mean he's seventeen and can look after himself. "Yeah, and I had Seungmin who was taking great care of me." Innie spoke.

"I'm so stupid for thinking an eighteen year old could take care of my son." She said agressivly while putting her hand on her forehead. What was her problem?!

"Mum, leave him alone. He didn't do anything wrong. What are you even saying?! What are you even mad for." Innie said, yet having a more agreesiv tone than before too.

"Mrs. Yang, please don't overreactic I promise that nothing happened. So please calm down." I said something directly after Innie finished, but I was the only one who stayed calm.

Now she calmed down a little bit too, but then Innie said: "Well he even took better care of me than you in all those years." That was the sentence to get her mad, really mad.

But then you could tell that Innie didn't care if he made her mad, he crossed his arms because of protest.


"See, that's the problem. A babysitter. You were never there for me." Innie was near tears but still argued with her.

"Good. Enjoy your last day with him. You don't have to see him anymore. You'll see him never again. I'll take care of you from now on." She said having an evil smirk on her face.

"You never understand me. Now I really found someone really caring for me and not just doing his job. You still trying to make my life w-worse." His voice cracked because already some tears streamed down his face.

"Well you're the reason. You're so annoying. But your wish is that I'm taking care of you, so be it." She shrugged her shoulders.

Wow Mrs. Yang doesn't even deserve to be called mum, she deserves being called monster. Now she was going too far.

"That's going to far. Don't you feel sad because you're hurting your own child? And you're hurting him a lot now. So I'll enjoy my last day with him. Bye. Have a nice evening." I said the last sentence with a major sarcastic tone, took the bags and held the hand of Innie.

We walked outside the house, finally leaving the stupid snake. I can't imagine what she already said to him in the past.

"Let's go to my place, Innie." I smiled, holding his hands and stroking some hair behind his ear. I then whipped the tears with my thumb away.


You can hate on his mother now lol. Somehow I feel bad for making his mother so horrible. 😂

For those who care: Today I learned the full dance of side effects and skksksksksksjsk it's exhausting 😂😂😂

Y'all we hit over 2k and I'm asking myself what da fish happened like- ssjsklsksks
Thank uuuuuuu💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Should I write another chapter today because I was so inactive? You decide. 😊

Hope you have a good day ♡

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