_× Chapter 11 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

"Wake up." I heard Seungmin Hyungie's voice. "Hmmmm I don't wanna... just let me sleeping..." I mumbled and gestured him with my hand to go away.

"But I made you breakfast." Hyungie said in a sad tone but still laughing. "I don't wanna get up." I said now a little bit clearer.

"If you're not listening I have to make something against it." He laughed and I felt his hands on both of my sides. Oh not again. Of course he then started tickling me. I think the boy loves torturing me.

"Stop... Hajimaaaa" I whined which was mixed with laughter. "I'll stop when you promise to get up" Seungmin tried to make a deal.

"Yeaah! I promise... stop!" He still tickeled me so I kept laughing. "For real stop" I laughed again. "Fine" he said smiling.

Juuuust maaaaaybe I didnt do as promised and just laid there and didn't move a muscle. I opened one eye to look at him, to see how angry he was.

"Aish I can't with you." Hyungie said and already wanted to attack but I said: "Okay, okay. Before you start to torture me again, Imma stand up." And with that I shot up straight. "Wooow I'm so proud of you" he giggled and gave me a little applause.

I stood up from the bed and froze in place. "Soooo... I did as you said." Now I was the one giggling. I stood up from the bed as well.

"No. You are walking downstairs! I even carried you yesterday all the way up here!" He held up his hands and shook his head.

"Wait you carried me up here?" I felt my face burning up a little bit as the events of yesterday flew trough my mind.

"Duhh were you drunk yesterday or something? You fell asleep on the couch at the end of the movie. I even tried to talk to you and wake you up but you slept like a baby." He explained yesterday's events.

"Like I said! I am not (Lol XD) a baby!" I said. "Yes you are. And for you to know: You lost the bet! You jumped into my arms and now you have to do a favour for me." Hyungie fired back.

"I didn't agree with that!" I crossed my arms. "Well yeah but you know how I mean it. You came up first with it, sooooo." He still wouldn't let go. "Fine but nothing stupid okay!" I said defeated.

"Do yo even remember what happened here in your room?" Satan himself teased. Yes, of course I remember it. Before I just needed some time to wake up. I remember everything even in 'Little Mode' as I call it. Yes, of course it's embarrassing.

"No it wasn't like that!" My arms flew around everywhere to hide my face because I fully transformed into a tomato now. My actions were interrupted by Hyung.

He grabbed my legs and lifted me up so he would hold me bridestyle. Did he held me like that yesterday too?

"Ya, what are you even doing!" I scolded him. "What? First you don't say ya to someone elder and second we have to get downstairs because the pancakes are getting cold." He bluntly explained.

"Yeah but no need to do this!" I pointed at us. "I had to make something to get you downstairs. You wouldn't stop thinking about how your Seungmin Hyungie rescued you from all those monsters yesterday." He snorted because of laughter. He was walking down the stairs now with me in his arms

"You'll never stop teasing me. Aren't you?" I giggled as I shook my head in amusement.

"Never." Hyungie confirmed.



Like guys are you crazy?! Over 300 reads and 34 votes. Thaaaaaaaank yoooooouuuuuuu uwuuuuu. 💜💜💜💜

Thank you for reading this chapter too💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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