_× Chapter 10 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

Sadly my wish wasn't heard, so I just had to carry him to his room. But luckily I knew where his room was.

I carefully laid him on his bed and pulled his blanket over him and left the room to get to the bathroom. Where was it again?
Right, around the corner.

There I changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth and went back to his room. While I was walking back there I heard little sobs.

I opened the door and the sobs became louder. Yep, probably him. I walked nearer to his bed, I still saw it though it was dark because the moonlight made the room a little bit brighter, and plotted myself on it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered and place one hand on him. Maybe I placed my hand on his leg, I couldn't see that much to find out which body part of him it was.

"A-are t-they h-here?" he let more sobs out. "What? Who?" I asked confused. "T-t-the m-monsters." He mumble but I still heard it because it was so quiet.

"No! No! Everything is just fine. Don't worry, ("I'm not afraid." XD) I'm here." I tried to calm him down. "Aish we shouldn't watch that movie." I cursed.

After some minutes of sitting there and caressing him, probably his leg, to comfort him, I was about to stand up but he pulled me sleeve of my pyjama.

"Seungmin Hyungie!" Jeongin stretched out his arms and made grabbyhands. "Plwease don't l leave. I wanna stay with Seungmin Hyungie." He whined.

"As you wish." I smiled what he didn't see in the end and I laid down at the bed as well. I took the blanket and covered us both so we wouldn't get cold and it would be warm and comfortable.

"Do you really want me to stay in your bed?" I asked to make sure. Then I felt that he nodded because his head was snuggled in my chest. His hands were gripping into the fabric of my shirt.

"Ok. Sleep well, princess." I whispered and gave him a small peck on the head. It was funny how he didn't even really got, that I called him princess. Just before we 'argued' because of that. His sleeping mode was halfway on.

"I love ywou, Seungmin Hyungie" with that, he most likely fell asleep. "I love you too." I hugged him a little bit tighter. After a while, I fell asleep too.



Here's a little update for today. 💜 I'm so relieved my presentation turned out well today. It's over now so be prepared for some updates.

Thank you very much for over 255 reads and 33 votes. I love you so much guys. 💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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