_× Chapter 22 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

We exited the mall to get home. It was pretty late already and we weren't keen on shopping no more.

The night sky was showing and many stars were shinning brightly. It was beautiful, the stars decorating the boring dark blue sky.

It wasn't cold as the other days, I guess the summer is coming. The temperature was perfect: not too warm and not too cold.

The wind was blowing slightly which was very refreshing. It also made the grass lightly waving, that had a very calming effect.

We walked further down the street to get to Innie's house. Surprisingly there weren't people at all in the streets and it was very quiet.

No I was wrong. There was one boy with a yellow jacket walking by, his head was turned to look at the ground and he seemed quiet. (A/N yes I'm linking it with my other story which isn't online anymore. Maybe I post it again someday. But don't worry. The boy doesn't play a role in this story. XD)

Innie was walking next to me. He had it easier because I was the one who was carrying most of the shopping bags. Well I had all bags on one arm so it wasn't that bad.

While walking our hands slightly touched, no, more like a little brush. Innie pulled his hand immediately away, but I came his hand with mine nearer again.

I intertwined our fingers and softly brush with my thumb against the back of his hand. Innie had luck this time because it was dark and I couldn't see his cute, blushing face. But we all now he definitely did. Sadly I couldn't tease him about it.

We were walking by a park. You could see many flowers growing there, all different colours and kinds.

"Look, there!" Innie said happily crouching down and putting the bags aside. He still didn't let go of my hand though.

"It's so pretty." He giggled as he held the flower between two of his fingers, but of course carefully to not damage it.

And of course the flower was pink. I really got the feeling, that he secretly likes pink very much (A/N In real life not so secretly when you think back to Skz-Talker Go: Düsseldorf~ XD)

He then plucked the flower, again very carefully. "Here it's for you~" He said kindly, smiling softly.

"Awww thank you~" I uwued while looking at the cute little baby in front of me.

I stood up and said: "Let's go. The baby needs his sleep." "But I don't wanna go home." He pouted very adorable. It was hard resisting.

"We really need to get home. But Hyung promises that we'll go here again someday." I said while patting his head because he still crouched down and I was standing.

"Really? Thank you Hyungie." He amost jumped up to a standing position. He hugged me tightly and I stroke his hair.

It's so cute to see how he's happy about even the little things. Well, he's doing the right thing, enjoying every moment of life.


Some time went by because we were just standing and hugging but then we actually went home.

Innie pulled out his key and opened the door. We struggled getting all the bags through the door, how did we even carried that? But in the end we got inside and I closed the door behind me.

We were chatting and laughing so much, that we didn't notice that someone was already there.

It were his parents standing in the living room and looking very angry. I noticed them first so I tapped Innie'd shoulder, wanting him to stop talking.

He was still laughing and I think he didn't get what I meant at that moment, maybe he though it was some kind of joke, but then I fully put my hand on his shoulder and whispered a little "Innie". He really stopped.

Then his mother cleared her throat and both of our heads snapped in her direction. This won't turn out well.



Are you smelling the little drama? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Another thing:
IM SO EXCITED SKSKSKKSKSKSK STRAY. KIDS. COMEBACK. TOMORROW. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP. I got nothing more to say. Our wigs are getting snatched dakksksksjjskkskskks

Oh and one anything thing again:
I was thinking. What if you put Jongho (ATEEZ) and Felix in one room. They'd be dancing Fortnite all day long skjskskskks just imagine XD

Yeah, I'm done talking now XD

Thank you for your support as always.💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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