_× Chapter 19 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

Innie and I made our way to the next shop. The shop was really funny because there were mostly hoodies with some writings on it in almost all colours.

We walked a little bit around the shop, scanning some of the sentences on the hoodies, still holding hands though.

Suddenly Innie said: "Look this one fits you so well." He let go of my hand and went closer to the stand with the hoodie.

"Geez don't run away so suddenly. After all I have to look after you." I mumbled while I was walking in his direction.

As I came nearer, he held up the hoodie for me to see too. First I saw the red with was really eye-catching. But then I saw the white writing which took me a few of seconds to read.

"Ya! How do you know about my obsession with money?" I asked really surprised, I never told him anything about it

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"Ya! How do you know about my obsession with money?" I asked really surprised, I never told him anything about it. I'm not that obsessed. It's not that bad okay?

"You draw money everywhere in school. In your notebook, at your pencil case, and even the tables." Innie laughed as he explained.

"In school, huh? Do you stare at Hyungie so often" I fired back while giggling. He punched my shoulder lightly. "No... I was just... it was accidentally... yeah" he found a excuse.

"Mmmm sure." I laughed. "Seriosly, why are you like this?" He laughed as he slapped my shoulder once again.

"Waaaaiiit. Hollup (A/N Alexa play Hollup by Bobby XD). So your the once staring at me in class? Especially yesterday?" I put one and one together.

"No! Maybe... just.. a little bit." He said while his face became a little bit redder again.

"Stop staring at me at class! The feeling is awful! Ya, next time I stare back. No I even glare back. " I scolded laughing.

"I was just looking at what you were drawing, okay?" Innie found a excuse, which was more believable.

"Let's go. I'm hungry." I said randomly while taking his hand and pulling him ligthly behind me. "I know a place! Let me take you to the restaurant (A/N WoooOoOOOOW she's HoOooOoT)" Innie suggested and now he was the one leading.

I just smiled while looking at him finding the place and out intertwined hands. He's so adorable. How couldn't I see that in class? See that my
classmate is adorable.



Sorry for this short chapter. I had to write some chapters already because I'm going to a friend's for three days.

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Hope you have a good day ♡

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