_× Chapter 24 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

We walked down the little path till we got out of the garden and stopped when we reached the road.

"Hey, wait just a little bit longer. I'll call my mum, she picks us up soon, 'kay." I said softly still looking into his eyes. He stopped crying a little bit and whipped a tear of while nodding.

I quickly took out the phone out of my pocket and contacted me mum.

Hey Mum 💗
Could you please pick me
up quickly? And can Innie
stay for a night? I'll tell you
later what happened.

Mum ❤
Hi Sweetie
No problem. I'm coming
soon. Is something wrong?

Don't worry. I'll tell you later.

With that our conversation ended. It got my thinking, it's sad that Innie's mum isn't like mine. It's unfair and it's bothering me a lot, Innie doesn't deserve this, he derseves the world. I guess I'm lucky with a mum like that.

We actually had to wait a bit for my mum to arrive. At first Innie stopped crying, but then I heard sobs again. "Hey, what's wrong." I said an pulled him into a tight hug immediately.

"N-Nothing... i-it's just ... m-m-maybe I'm overreacting, b-but what did I do w-w-wrong?" He burried his face in my neck and his hands clenched the fabric of my hoodie tightly.

"It's not your fault. Don't you ever believe it is." I patted his head softly and repeated the action.

"A-am I r-really that a-a-annoying?" Innie asked in a shaky voice again. "No you're not. She's surely pissed about something in her life." I said getting mad at his mother to make him believe such stupid things.


After a few minutes, a car arrived, it was my mum's. You could tell easily because no car came by while we were standing here.

"Lets get in." I said and broke the hug. We got into the car and I sat at the back as well, to support Innie.

"Hello Sweetie. What happened?" You could hear clearly, that me mum was worried. "I'll tell you later mum, okay?" "Sure" she responded.

During the ride Innie looked out of the window, maybe to hide his tears, but the I took his hand which was resting in his lap and intertwined our fingers. With the other hand I stroke Innie's hand, so that one hand was on top and under Innie's hand.


We arrived at home and got in. We took of our shoes and everything and then my mother suddenly froze. "What wrong?" I giggled. My mum is doing that often when she remembers something. Yeah she's weird but I'm totally fine with it. She's cool.

"I totally forgot to asked your name, you cute little fox." She bend down a little bit to look Innie in the eyes and lightly touched his nose.

Innie was a little bit creeped out but he put smiled on his face and said in a voice which forced you to uwu: "I'm Yang Jeongin, Mrs. Kim."

"AwwwwwWwwWw you're so cute." Now my mum was pinching (A/N I accidentally wrote punching at first lol XD I laughed so hard jsjskskskkskskk) the cheeks of my classmate, wow.

"Like mother, like son" Innie was trying to sound annoyed but it still sounded cute. "What? Do you do that too?" My mum laughed and faced me.

"Of course, who could resist?" I giggled  and took a few steps forward so I could backhug Innie to snatch him away from my mum.

"Ah Hyungie, stop you're crushing me." Innie tried to free himself because I held his arms tightly too. "Looks like you found a new friend." My mum laughed and left to the kitchen.

"Innie, I take you to bed. It's getting pretty late, and I really mean it now, the day was stressfull too." I said, wow I'm still in the babysitting role.

"Cwarry me, Hywungie?" He said in the most adorable way I've ever heard. Guess he's a little again after some time. Sure, he had to hold it all the time. He couldn't just swap in little space while arguing.

"Gosh, do I really have to? I carry you like all the time?" I asked, already being exhauted just thinking about climbing up the stairs.

"If Hyungie dwon't, he'll nwever get kisses." He shook his head rapidly. "What? You've planned on giving me kisses?" I giggled looking at the cute sight in front of me.

"No." He said, looks like he's denying it. "Come here, princess." I opened my arms and expected to pick him up bridestyle but instead he took the opportunity to jump in my arm and wrap his legs around my waist.

Luckily I reacted fast and quickly wrapped my arms around him, if I wouldn't, he'd fall down immediately.

I was able to carry him in his room easily, well it was easier than carrying him bride style.

I placed Innie at the bed and went afterwards to the closet to get some clothes for him.

Then I saw Innie was looking around my room and then he said: "I rweally like your hwouse, it's small but cwute." He let fall himself backwards on the bed.

"Really? I don't like it that much, but I like my video games over there." I said pointing at the shelf with my video games collection on it.

"Yweah, they're awesome. Let's plway thwem someday." He said smiling and cuddling into the sheets.

"Of course, all what my Innie wants." I smiled back at him. I threw the clothes which I picked before, it was a black oversized hoodie and red shorts, on the bed next to Innie and said: "Change your clothes and then go back to sleep. I'll come back soon."

" 'Kay. Gwood night, Hyungie."Jeonginnie said and sat up. "Sleep well Innie." I said and kissed his forehead. Then I walked out of the room.



I managed to write a chap today yaaaaaaaay. 😂👏🏼

I have to admit: I was lazy today because I was playing BTS World all day. It's so goooooood, I played it so long 😂💜💜💜💜💜😍😍😍😍😍💜😍💜😍💜😍💜

Thank you for your support and reading this story and voting and being so nice and ..... I just love ya alllllllll 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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