_× Chapter 32 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

"Where are you taking me?" Innie asked laughing while being dragged by me. I promised it a while ago, so the promise will become true today.

"My promise." I answered shortly and looked behind me to face him. He gave me a confused look and asked: "Your promise?" I giggled at the cute face of him.

"What are you laughing at?" He tried to sound irritated. Yes, tried. "Nothing, just your cuteness" I snorted, looking back into the direction we were heading while lightly shaking my head left to right.

"OoOoOh I really missed being called cute, this wasn't sarcastic at all." He said which made my laugh even more. "But Hyuuuuunng~ for real, where are you taking me~" he whined like a baby and made slower steps, so I really had to drag him.

"Aish, just be patient." I said picking up the pace (A/N hihihi maybe I did that on purpose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

We reached the destination and Innie said: "Oh here?" He was a little bit surprised but you could hear the excitement in his voice. What was our destination? The park with these flowers, you know the pink ones.

"Yes here, I promised you so..." I said while stopping, still holding his hands though. "You really remember that, Hyungie!" He said even more excited.

"Yes of course." I patted his head and then added whispering: "but you need to keep your voice down, unless you want the already sleeping neighbourhood to kill us." He giggled and shook his head as respond.

We walked down the little gravel path further into the park. Here was like literally no one, but that wasn't creepy at all it was more a kind of relaxing.

"Look the flowers grew even taller!" He said happily while taking the lead. "The pink flowers are even more beautiful than before." He said and bend down. We had this scenario already some months before.

While he was busy with looking at the all different kinds of flowers, I picked up one of them, obviously a pink one. "Look here, Innie." I said and his head snapped immediately to face me.

"Here" I said and positioned the flower I picked up before behind his ear. While doing it, I also stroked some hair behind the ear too.

Innie realized what I have done just as I had finished. Because of realizing it, he looked away to escape my glance as a small and tiny blush creeped his face.

"Lets be honest: pink really suits you." I laughed and stood up, then stretching a little bit. I kinda tried to escape the weird situation with it. "Pink on your cheeks and pink flowers." I mumbled the sentence while smiling.

He looked up to me with big eyes, which were glowing even more now because of reflecting the stars on the night sky.

"No it doesn't. I don't like pink thaaat much." He said while standing up as well. You could see his blush clearly, even in the dark.

"Lies, lies and more lies. I can't hear it~" I said covering both of my ears with my hands.

"You're really something else, Hyungie." He giggled and hit my shoulder, well it was more like a punch. "Ya I already told you to not do that." I scolded.

"Yeah, yeah sure, Hyungie. Lets go home, I don't want to worry our mums" he said, kinda ignoring my sentence. "But first I want to take some flowers home, maybe even some for my mum. And your mum! Yes your mum! That's a good idea." He said excited which was shoving because he was clapping his hands.

We picked up some flowers and then headed back home. Innie seemed to have something on his mind that bothered him.

While walking back home Innie began: "Hyung, I... I really wanted to thank you" "For what?" I asked confused. It was kinda random to bluntly drop that without context. "For... For all of this. Because, you're really there for me..." He said

"...And I'm really thankful for you accepting me... the way I am" he added. "You're a wonderful person, what are you talking about? Who couldn't love you, if they don't they just don't know how precious you really are." I said nearly rapping.

"Well... I wanted to say... thanks" and with that he hugged me. "Even after all these months passing, you didn't forget me, you didn't gave up on me, thanks" he whispered into the crook of my neck. "I couldn't forget you, you pink loving baby."  I giggled and stroked his back. "Of course, the teasing, it never stops..." Innie sighed. "Almost forgot that you're satan in person, Seungmean." He added and giggled to. So we just stood there. Both giggling and teasing the other.

I've never thought that someone kinda close to me, I mean like a classmate, could be so interesting and could become so special to me. Someone who could fill up my heart just by giggling with happiness. Happiness, I've never felt in my life.

Who thought, it would begin by taking a job offer? Who thought, it would begin with caring just for the money at first. Who thought, it would begin with babysitting my classmate?

_×××××××××××× the end ××××××××××××_

(Well kinda the end but there will be bonus chapters because I have some more ideas XD)

So this chapter really wasn't planned like that at first, like the end was meant to be later but this was a very good, well smooth opportunity to end it. My first ending was boring as hell, I would write there that they'll go to college and meet the other seven rest of stray kids. Yeah I know: boring XD

Then second. Thank you so much for supporting this Ff. This was my first Ff to post so it really was a new experience to me. I had so much fun writing it and then seeing all the funny comments. Like really, first I thought it would be incredible to get 100 reads. But here we are, 5k reads. That's so unexpected and I really want to thank you guys so much for it. Sometimes I thought about pausing this Ff or end it soon, but your support made me writing it till the end. Well 'end', like I said, there will be one or two bonus chaps. I really enjoyed making people happy with my story. It's the best feeling in the world.

Well this isn't my last Ff. I got my Ff
•▪+ ϝɾσɱ αɳσƚԋҽɾ ρʅαɳҽƚ +▪•  ᵗᵃᵉᵏᵒᵒᵏ too, so check it out if you want to. Maybe I post my Yeonbin One shot one day. What I'm trying to say: this book was kinda a beginning for me as a writer and I just made it till the end just because of your support.
So thank you so much 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

The bonus chapters will come out soon, idk when but maybe tomorrow but it also could be in one week because I'm going on a trip with my class next week. So be prepared for the bonus chapters. 😁💜
Hope you have a good day ♡

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