_× Chapter 27 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

I woke up because of the bright light shining through Minnie's window. Right, I wasn't at home, one second I thought, that I woke up in my own room.

I felt two arms being wrapped around me from behind and something or better someone breathing against the back of my neck. Last night I fell asleep alone. When did Hyungie come back in the room? I didn't notice.

I turned around to see Hyungie's sleeping face. I had to turn around because I was facing the wall before.

Sleeping is the one and only time when Hyungie is peaceful and doesn't annoy nor tease you.

The sunlight shone on his face lightly, not completely, just on his nose and a little bit his eyes. He's looking like a little sleeping puppy. He's even behaving like a puppy when I think about it: very active and there to annoy you, but when the fall asleep for once there's peace again.

I pecked his nose lightly, of course quick to not wake him up. I dont know why I pecked him even in first palce. What was I thinking?

If he wakes up, it would get me in trouble, he would tease me about it. I can predict it all.  That's embarrassing me all the time. But for real, it's funny too, even for me. Even if I seem annoyed sometimes I'm enjoying it too.

But then I noticed, that he moved a little bit. His eyes flattered open slowly and he immediately put a hand in front of his eyes, to prevent the light shining in them.

He ruffled his hair, but it made it look even messier. He then said: "What was that about you're not giving me kisses?  Looks like you changed your mind again."

His voice was raspy and very deep because he woke up just seconds before (A/N *cough* *cough* beginning of Side Effects *cough* *cough*).

"No? What are you even talking about? Bet it was a dream." I tried to talk my way out and sat up, kinda escaping the situation.

"Wait. Don't leave. You're busted anyways. I want to sleep and cuddle again." Hyungie whined and tried pulling me back down.

"Look how the tables turned. Now I force you to wake up just like you did it yesterday." I laughed and started to shove him off the bed.

"Ya! Don't throw me off the bed!" Seungminnie Hyungie (<- the ultimate combination XD) panicked and tried to grip the sheets to not fall down. I giggled at his weird movements, it was very funny.

"Okay, then get up!" I said laughing. " Yes, but give me five more minutes he begged and plopped himself fully at the bed again.

" 'Kay. Aish I really can believe that you were the one waking me up so violently yesterday." I shook my head in disbelief.

"So throwing someone of the bed isn't violent?" He said while yawning. "No? It's just payback?" I said standing up and them added: "I'm going downstairs. I'm not keen on waiting hours for you to wake up. How many hours you had to wake up yestreday, just to get of the bed?"

"Just go downstairs already." He waved with his hands to show me to go away. "Yeah, yeah, I'm already going." I said and closed the door behind me.

I reached the kitchen and saw, that Minnie's was making dinner already. "Morning Mrs. Kim. Do you need any help?" I asked politely and stood next to her in front of the counter. Of what I could take a glance of were pancakes. Of course, it's a Kim-family-thing.

"No, thank you. You're the guest so please sit down." She responded, stopped her work for a moment and pointed at the table behind her.

I settled myself down and looked a little around. The awkward silence made a comeback (A/N hihihi) , so Mrs. Kim broke the tense and asked me: "Where's Seungmin?"

"Oh, he's sleeping. Well, he was awake, but I don't know if he fell asleep again." I giggled. "He's like that everyday." His mum laughed.

"Really? Yesterday he was the one waking me up. He even prepared pancakes." I said a little bit confused.

"Are you talking about Seungmin? My son? For real?" She laughed even more. "He didn't told me that." She mumbled but I could hear it still.

"Well, could you please say Seungmin that breakfast is ready?" She asked me kindly. Then, unexpectedly, we heard a quiet and raspy "I'm already here"

"Good, set the table please, sweetie." She turned to Seungmin. He hummed in response and did as his mother said.

After some time the breakfast was ready so we ate. It was funny how identical Hyungie's and Mrs. Kim's pancakes tasted.

I enjoyed the breakfast a lot. But then Mrs. Kim said something which made me nervous, very scared even . "Well... Jeongin, your mother called. She's picking you up at 1pm."


Hello (after some time ^^) 💜

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So... y'all probably thought that all that drama is over but sike! *insert evil laugh* 😂💜

Another thing: I'm kinda trying to finish this Ff in this week because next week (I'm not promising anything) I'm on a trip with my class and we aren't allowed to bring mobile phones. And then in 3 weeks are summer holidays, I'm traveling there alot so I won't be able to post. 😭

Hope you have a good day ♡

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