_× Chapter 1 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

Class. Every Fanfic starts with that. Why? Don't ask me. It's just boring. Luckily it's the last lesson on Tuesday.

Do you know that feeling, when you think, it's already Friday but damn you were wrong. Guess who's in this situation. I really get philosophic when I'm in class. Better thinking about my stuff than the things the man says in the front.

Well I didn't have much time to think about it because the bell rang. Finally! (In Jungkook voice XD) I dashed out of the classroom and got out of the school building.

Then I walked home. The walk wasn't spectacular, I just listened to some music through my earphones.


As I got home I threw myself on my bed. My Phone ... where is it? I thought. Right I still left it in my school bag.

Sadly I had to get up to get to my phone.
One message. Guess I'm a little bit important.

Never mind it was just my mum. Yes mum wasn't home, she was at work.

Mum ❤
Hi Sweetie!
I won't get home so early today. A lot of work. 😪 Well, but I got you a new babysitting job. It won't be so easy but I'm sure you can handle it well.

Hi Mum!
It's okay, I'm gonna make
something to eat myself.
Thanks for getting me a
new job. More money for
me. I'm sure I can handle it,
I'm an expert now with so
many jobs I did.
Love you ❤

Mum ❤
Love you too! 💓

Bye 🙋🏽‍♂️

Oh I didn't tell you. Most weekends I'm babysitting children. It was my idea not my mum's. You could say she's kind of a secretary to me. It's an easy way to get money, and well, it's pretty easy for me because children like me. A new job means new money for me. And that means new video games. Of course I share the money with my mum too.


The evening flew by fast and I went, surprisingly, very early to bed.

The next morning I woke up very well rested and a little too excited for school. What is wrong with me today? I shook my head in an amused way because of myself.
Maybe I'm just exited for the money, I mean job.

Well there goes my morning Routine. After I had put on some casual clothes and brushed my teeth, I went downstairs because I knew my mum already made me a delicious breakfast.

"Morning Mum!" I said happily. She was standing next to the stove and making pancakes. Man I love my mum.

"What is going on with you today, sweetie? Why so cheerful? What did you do to my son?" She laughed but asked a little bit confused.

"I don't know (nan molla XD). Maybe I'm just excited for the job." I answered. "I have to tell you one thing sweetie. After school I will pick you up after school, then we'll have a quick lunch and then I drive you to the place at 2pm ... Oh and you'll be staying there for today and tomorrow. Is it okay to sleep there? Their parents are on a little trip."

"Yeah no problem. But they offered more money because of that, right?" I asked.

"Of course. But now eat your breakfast, I don't want you to come to school late." My mum smiled. I did as she said and hurried to school. Normally I walk like now but later mum will pick me up.

... (time skip bc class is boring) ...

In today's lessons I didn't pay much attention to the teachers. Sometimes I drew, sometimes I wrote something. (Actually he's me in class, bc I always write the chapters in class and when I get home, I write them on wattpad XD)

I survived some lessons (hell) but had a few more. But ... there was a weird feeling...


Thank you for reading my first chapter. Like I said I'm not fluent in English so pls tell me when I made really biiiig mistakes. It's my first FF to post. 😁

Hope you have a good day. ♡

(Edit: don't mind my bad writing style or the many typos, it'll get better later in the book, promise.)

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