_× Chapter 14 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

"So what do you wanna do?" I plotted myself on the couch directly next to Innie because I came back from the kitchen.

"I really don't know" he whined and streched his arms little bit forward away from his body. "I don't know either. Maybe we can play video games or watch a movie, horror movies excluded." I laughed at the end of my sentence.

"Very funny. Don't bring that up again. Understood?" He said scolding and pointing with his finger. "Fine, fine. But what do you want to do today?" I asked again.

He put his hand, in particular his index finger and thumb, under his chin and was probably thinking. "Hey! I got it." He clapped his hands like a seal very excitedly. I just gave him the look 'just say it already'.

"Let's go shopping!" His eyes began to sparkle. This happens a lot when he's happy. "I'd really like to spoil you but I don't have any money to that." I said shrugging my shoulder still smiling.

"No. We can use my money. I get 1000$ every month so don't worry. My parents are good just for one thing: spoiling" Innie laughed.

"You- What?" I asked after realising what he just said. "Yeah mostly I don't spend everything." He explained.

I just nodded. How wonderful it would be. So much money, I wouldn't have to work, no more baby sitting. I still would see Jeongin thought. I could literally bath in money. So many video games to buy...

"Hello?" My little daydream was interrupted by Innie, who waved his hand in front of my face. "Stop drooling." He snorted.

"Ya! What are you even thinking about?" Innie added laughing. "Nothing. You know you shouldn't say 'Ya' to someone elder." I poked his cheek and tried to distract.

"Of course. I understood grandpa." He said sarcastically while laughing. "Hey, I'm not that old. Would your grandpa go shopping with you? I think not." I defended myself as fast I could.

"Yes he would." He laughed but stoped when I 'threw' myself on him on the couch. I hugged him tightly. "You're so annoying omo." He tried to escape but I didn't let him go. He also tried to push himself away from me which don't work. "And you're so cute." I uwued.

"Someday you'll regret this" he pouted. "Sure. I already expected something like that."



This chapter is trash, sorry. Today's not my day. I'm so sorry because this chapter is a filler too.

Thank you very much for 445 reads and 55 votes. Looooove yaaaa 💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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