_× Chapter 18 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

I still insisted with going out of the changing room. Seungmin didn't respond to my idea till now too.

"Never mind. I'm not showing you. Your not coming in here neither." I changed my mind again.

I was really uncomfortable with showing people the little me. Well, when I'm a Little it isn't so embarrassing for me but afterwards I mostly regret thing I did as a Little.

Well I know I wasn't particularly a Little at that moment which means embarrassment for me, because I would do something in my 'normal state' what I actually just do in 'Little Mode'.

"Innie~~ please~~~" Hyungie whined. Then he had a mean idea and said: "If I not getting to see you I'll throw away all you plushies, pillows and pacifiers."

"How do you know about that too?! But don't throw them away! Don't be mean." I panicked. I finally gave in protesting.

" 'Kay let me in, Innie. You're holding the door." Seungmin Hyungie said while slightly pulling the door.

"Ops really?" I now realized that my fingers were tightly gripping the door. I took a step backwards to make it possible for enter the small changing room.

He slipped carefully in the small room and closed the door behind him, he didn't want a stranger to see me of course.

There was a moment of silence (A/N Y'all awkward silence is back XD) while he was scanning me from head to toe.

He began to smile widely. "What?" I asked irritated. "AaAAAAaaaaHhhh~~ you're soooo cuuute~~~~" he suddenly squeaked, no to be honest he particularly fangirled. "It was the right decision to peek oversized." Well that was his plan, I see

"How can someone be so adorable~" Seungminnie pinched my cheeks to the point it would actually hurt a little bit.

"Not so loud! Be quiet, pabo!" I held my hand in front his mouth to stop him from speaking.

"Look your face got the same colour as the hoodie." He mumbled against me hand, then he shoved me hand away and held me chin up. With the other hand he poked a few times into my right cheek.

"Aish, stop!" My face got even redder. He actually did it and stopled, he really did what I said for the first time.

"We're buying that one." He clapped his hand excitedly. "Yeaaah... well... I have to admit that I kiiiinda liked it too." I said under my breath while scratching the back of my head lightly.

"See! Hyungie knows what you like!" He clapped his hand even more in victory.  "But don't expect me to wear that to school or in public, understood?" I said a little bit louder.

"Obviously, I never saw you in that kind of clothes ever in school anyways. But we're buying that too." Seungminnie said and pointed at the blue hoodie he brought previously too. I just shrugged me shoulders which he probably took as a yes and was about to storm out right of the changing room with the blue hoodie in his hands to buy it.

"Wait! I have to change." I quickly said, stopping him to run away. "What? Do you want me to stay in here? Maybe help you?" The biggest tease himself said.

"Just get out of here and wait outside." I shoved him out of the changing room how he shoved me in before.

After I closed the door again I had to laugh too. He was so dumb. Well in a good way with pulling stupid jokes and teasing all the time.

I quickly changed back to my hoodie what surely didn't took me so long as changing into the pink one previously.

"Let's go" I walked out of the changing room and past by Hyungie. "Hey! Wait for me!" He caught up with my tempo (A/N DONT MESS UP MY TEMPO! XD) and we both headed to the cashier desk.

We paid, or I paid, and we both left the shop.


Hello! 🙋🏼‍♀️

Dream Glow came out today and skksksksjskj BTS x Charlie XCX is the best collab. Their voices fit together so goooood 😍😍😍💜

The Teaser for Illusion by ATEEZ came out today too. I like both - Wave and Illusion - but I was kinda more on the Illusion side. But the MV already looks so beautifuuuuuuuul 😍😍😍💕

Thank you for 830 reads and 104 votes. Love yaaaaaaaaaaa 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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