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Jeongin Pov

"Waaait you?!" Seungmin pointed at the man in front of him which was turning out to be Han Jisung of the one shop they have visited once together.

Because of the pointing Seungmin almost dropped his ice cream on the floor but I somehow managed to catch it.

"Oh you already know each other?" Hyunjin asked really not knowing if he should be happy or worried because of Seungmin's reaction.

"Yeah kinda? We-" I began to speak but Seungmin interrupted me: "HE FLIRTED WITH INNIE!" He kinda shouted that a little bit too loud, so we got some stares from other people around.

"No listen, that's not the case." Jisung put his arms with palms facing to Seungmin, kinda trying to calm him down and to defend himself, in front of his chest.

"Then what about the 'Tell me baby'?!" Seungmin said immediately after Jisung's sentence had ended, still loud but way more quiet than before.

"Look, I was testing-" Jisung began to explain but was now interuppted by Hyunjin who was watching the scene with big eyes: "You're cheating on Minho Hyung?!"

"No I'm not let me exp-" Jisung tried again but with now luck, a person came like out of nowhere and asked: "What about me?" I guess he's Minho.

I was quietly enjoying the drama and licked my strawberry ice cream. I still had Seungmin's ice cream in my hand from catching it before but now it was kinda melting so I shoved it into Seungmin's hands.

"Minho Hyung, Jisung is cheating on you." Hyunjin said while being confused af, but actually all of us were.

"What?!" This 'Minho' was now involved into the confusing conversation. "No. Let me just explain!" Jisung tried to get the attention to defend himself.

"So these two..." Jisung pointed at me and Seungmin and then added: "... they visited the shop which I work in. And you could see they were all lovey-dovey-"

"No that's not true." Seungmin said crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Shut up! I'm explaining!" Jisung said.

"Okay, okay chill." Seungmin responded. "... so I was kinda bored, there weren't many customers and I wanted to test this man's jealousy." He said pointing at Seungmin while laughing, maybe he realized have dumb his idea was.

"Jisung, I already did that once" Hyunjin snorted. "When?" Jisung asked and turned around to face Hyunjin. " Oh someday I surprised Jeongin and appeared at Jeongin's. Seungmin was there too." Hyunjin explained.

"Stop it! That's not the case now!" Seungmin spat and I swear I could see him lightly blushing.

"Yes. How did you cheated on me?!" Minho asked getting kinda irritated. "No! I didn't cheat on you..." Jisung then added sighing "... and then I just said 'Tell me baby' to Jeongin because I wanted to test how jealous Seungmin would get, that's it."

"Who of them is Jeongin?" Minho asked with a stern voice that made my shiver. "I-Im J-jeong-in" I stumbled looking at the ground.

"Is it true what Han is saying?" He asked me being as cold as before. "Y-yeah of c-cour-se" I still faced the ground.

"Look, if you gonna steal my boyfriend I will-" Minho was like nearly everyone interupped. Wow this day was really chaotic "He's already mine so that won't happen" Seungmin said and threw his arm around on my shoulders.

"Oh so you're a couple?" Minho said, the cold side of him slowly melting. "N-no i-its not l-like that." I stumbled and noticed how the blood was rushing into my face.

"See that's what I mean!" Jisung said and grabbed the shoulder of his boyfriend, Minho, with one hand and pointed with the other at us.

"Those guys are funny." Minho giggled very in a very cute way which really didn't suit the 'cold statue' we witnessed before.

"Sooooo... well let's forget all this, wow it was so confusing..." Hyunjin made a little pause after his sentence and threw his hand everywhere above his head being dramatic as always.

"... let's do this like normal people-" Hyunjin tried to say but Jisung threw a sentence inbetween: "but we aren't."

"Shut up." Hyunjin hit the back of Jisung head, after that Minho immediately caressed the spot and glared at Hyunjin.

"ANYWAYS, what I was trying to say. Let's start again and introduce ourselves." Hyunjin finally was able to finish his sentence.

"So I'm Hyunjin." He began and looked at me to go on. "J-jeongin." I stumbled. "Seungmin" the male next to me said shortly.

"I'm Minho, to make this clear: boyfriend of this guy." Minho said and pointed at Jisung.

"Last Mr. 'Tell me baby' " Seungmin introduced Jisung while laughing at him.
"No! I- that's not- forget it!" Jisung blushed but soon when he ended his sentence he began to laugh too.

"So what are we gonna do?" Hyunjin asked being kinda the leader of this group. "Like suggested before: we can go to my place." I said.

Everyone agreed and so we headed to my place.

No one Pov

That evening the five boys played many games like video games or just stupid card games.

It seems like they wouldn't get along well at the first sight but they actually did, even if their first interaction at the shop a while ago was... let's say weird.

But soon they got to know each other and became friends. Of course Minho mentioned every single time that Jisung was his.

Who would have thought that a boring day at first can bring such a chaos and confusion later?


Lmao the dialog was so confusing but that was my purpose 😂😂😂

They're so many good comeback now, I- I'm in love with all of them.

Anyways, if you enjoying reading Seungin stories I have some amazing writers for you.







They are my favourite Seungin writers so far 😂 that was so random but I find it very hard finding Seungin sotries so yeah.

Hope you have a good day ♡

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