_× Bonus 2 ×_

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No one Pov

Hyunjin stayed over for some weeks and surprisingly he managed to befriend Seungmin. You could say it was difficult but now there kinda cool with each other.

They did many thing together, of course shopping too. But one day they were really bored, luckily Hyunjin had an idea. He told Seungmin and Jeongin that a very good friend of him was living in this area and so he suggested to meet them.

Seungmin and Jeongin agreed of course. But again, Seungmin wasn't lucky, if he knew who he'd meet, he wouldn't agree in the first place.

Jeongin Pov

"You ready to go?" Hyungie asked as we were about heading out of Seungminnie's house. This time we stayed there. I really like hanging out at Seungmin's because I really like his mother, you could describe it as wellness there, she did everything for you, even if you didn't ask.

Seungmin opened the front door and we saw Hyunjin already standing there. "Hi Hyung" I greeted Hyunjin and hugged him. Seungmin also greeted Hyunjin and shouted a little "Bye!" to his mother. Of course his mother responded with a "Bye sweetie, have lots of fun" in a flash.

We started to walk so I asked them where we were going. Hyunjin then said: "Oh we're meeting my friend in the park. We havent decided what to do yet."

"We can hang out at my house after we meet them. There's enough space anyways and my parents aren't at home" I suggested. Hyunjin hummed in respond and we continued walking.

The walk was quite silent except the one time I felt someone lightly touching my finger. Of course it was Seungmin. He's doing that often when he wants to hold hands.

So we walked, me and Seungmin hand in hand and Hyunjin kinda third wheeling, but it doesn't bother Hyunjin, to the park. Hyunjin wasn't mad about the holding-hands-thing, he kinda was very happy.

We got to the park pretty early so Hyunjin decided to get us some ice cream. "What flavours do you want?" Hyunjin asked smiling.

"Oh, strawberry for me plwease!" I got a little too excited. "Of course pink." I heard Seungmin snorting behind me.

"Ok and you Seungmin" Hyunjin asked Minnie while patting my head kinda trying to calm me down.

"I take chocolate." he said shortly and smiled. I really liked how Hyunjin and Seungmin were getting a long now.

So Hyunjin started walking in the direction of the ice cream stand. It was a little quiet so I tried to start a conversation.

"Sooo... do you... like Hyunjin?" I asked carefully and yes, I admit it, it was a pretty random question I had dropped.

Seungmin and I never talked about this but I was curious what he says about it now, well you can imagine what he would have said in the beginning when he first met Hyunjin.

"Yeah of course. But at first I really couldn't stand him." He said and giggled. Yeah, I kinda expected that answer.

" 'Kay, that's good. I'm very happy about my two best friends getting a long well." I clapped my hands because of happiness.

"I mean, yeah. Everything's just fine as long he doesn't take you away from me. You're my baby I have to babysit, anyways." Hyungie shrugged his shoulders.

"Well yeah.. I mean no! What?" I began to panic a little bit because of embarrassment while thinking about his sentence. Hyungie just smiled at me and patted my head.

"Guys! I'm back!" Hyunjin said while holding the ice cream up. With Hyunjin coming back our conversation was interrupted, well I want mad about it, what should I respond to that anyways.

"Look, it was such a coincidence that I met my friend on the way there." He said excited and pointed at the figure standing beside him.

Well let's say the world is small, really small. I think Seungmin got a little problem with Hyunjins friend. Who thought we would see him again?


Hiiiii 🙋🏼‍♀️

Lmao I had to split the chapters because it would get too long. It means Bonus 3 is the second part of this. XD

Y'all calm down 6k?! What the bread? I- like I'm always speechless. It goes so fast. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the voting, I mean you guys aren't forced to, thank you. Love yoouuuuuu 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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