_× Chapter 8 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

Well... how did we got into this situation? Right it started with a normal tickle fight. I even started it. I imaginary facepalmed myself.

But I lowkey didn't want him to get of. I was just staring and doing nothing. He did the same thing. Someone had to do something.

So... I just hugged him. Don't asked me why. I thought it would solve the situation. It felt right in that moment. "You're so cute!" Seungmin Hyungie said and hugged me back and fully put his weight on me.

"And you're heavy!" I laughed. "No?" Seungmin immediately said. "I think you're heavier than me! Let's prove it!" Seungmin suggested and turned us around so I was laying on top of him.

He then said: "You're heavy but you're still the cutest bean in this world." and pinched my cheeks. "I'm not cute!" I defended myself quickly. "I'm a grown man! Like you said before, quote:'grown adult'." I was ready to stand up maybe because I was little bit mad so I pushed myself up.

"You're not going to stand up, cutie pie!" He pulled me on my arm back so I wasn't able to stand up. "Hmpf" I shock my head and puffed my cheeks. I felt defeated. He Then hugged me even tighter.

"Change of the topic: Let's watch a movie. I'm bored!" I said. "Isn't cuddling with your Seungmin Hyungie enough?" He teased. I swear, teasing is his hobby, isn't it?

"No, I'd rather clean the bathroom." I said in reply. Seungmin just looked at me with a confused face and responded nothing to it.

"Okay, let's watch a movie. What do you want to watch? A Disney Princess Movie? Princesses just like you" This boy really like teasing me. Someday I'll go crazy because of him.

I have an idea. I'll show him that I'm not a little kid. "No we'll be watching a horror movie." I bluntly said.

"Okay, okay. Chill you don't have convince me or something like that, that you're tough. But if we'll watch it you'll be jumping into my arms just in the beginning of the movie." He tried to prevent me from watching it.

"No! I bet it's gonna be just otherwise!" This time I 'teased'. "Yeah let's see who's right. Pick a movie!" Seungmin demanded. He wasn't joking no more.

So I went to the movie-shelf-thing we had in our living room (A/N You know what I mean XD). I had to pick from my parents shelf because, of course I wouldn't tell Seugmin, mine was full of cartoons especially Diney Princess Movies. Don't tell him!

My decision fell on the scariest I could remember. I knew that one too well. Even though I never watched it myself, I always heard the screams and scary noises even in my room, when my parents watched it.

But with that movie I knew Seungmin Hyungie would jump into my arms. I plotted myself back on the couch and picked the remote control up from the coffee table. I pushed the play button and the film began to roll.

After a few minutes, in which really nothing happened just some introducing of the characters, I said "Yeah look it's not even scar-aaaAAAAH". I let out one (dolphin) scream and I hold my hand in front of my mouth to shut myself.

Why I had to say something during the first jumpscare. I looked at Seungmin to see his reaction 1. because of the jumpscare and 2. because of my not so manly scream.

He didn't even looked back at me. He was too busy watching the scene happening which a shocked facial expression.

He then admitted: "Okay look, I'm being honest. I really didn't think it was that scary. Lol I'm scared too." He let a little laugh out at the end.

"Y-yeah, b-but we w-watch it till t-the e-e-end" I stated. I really shouldn't have said that.



That's the Chapter for today. Thank you really much for 170 views and 18 votes.

Hope you have a good day ♡

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