_× Bonus 1 ×_

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No one Pov

It was another day of Seungmin and Jeogin hanging out. Today they were at Jeongin's, they someday stay at Seungmin's too.

The two boys were currently sitting in the living room watching a movie, not a horror movie obviously, they agreed to never watch it again.

This day was funny. Not for Seungmin, but for Jeongin. Well, there is this feeling. What is it called again? Right, jealousy (A/N *Alexa play Jealousy by Monsta x XD)

It wasn't planned by Jeongin either, it just happened like that.

Well but there was one thing that was funny for Seungmin: he forced Jeongin to wear th pink hoodie they bought once. Of course Jeongin refused to wear it in front of Seungmin, but then Seungmin  convinced him, no it more were little threats, to throw all Jeongin's Little stuff away.

But the situation calmed down rapidly because they were now cuddling at the couch while watching the movie.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Jeongin said under his breath, paused the movie and sprinted towards the door to answer it, because his parents weren't at home.

He first thought that he had to open the gates first but quickly realized, that his parents let let them opened as they left, which meant that the person was already standing right in front of the door.

He slowly opened the big, white and wooden door, which revealed a young male he had known for years.

Jeongin Pov

"Hyunjin?!" My mouth fell agape as I realized who was standing in front of me. I fell into his arms to hug him. I haven't seen him for years, well since we moved. It was a long hug, I mean talking to him through phone is much different then having him here right in front of me.

"Hyunjin Hyung, why you're here?" I asked confused, I hadn't really realized that he was actually here.

"Hyun-pair-of-trouses what?" A voice behind said nearly as confused as me. It was Seungmin Hyungie of course, but I couldn't turn around because Hyunjin Hyung was holding me still.

Hyunjin completely ignored Seungmin's comment and answered my question and then broke the hug: "I missed you so much, I had to come, it felt like years in which we hadn't see each other." Well he was kinda dramatic while telling me that.

Then Minnie cleared his throat, Hyunjin and my head snapped into Hyungie's direction (A/N Lmao have fun reading Hyungie and Hyunjin, don't confuse them XD) He seemed really pissed. I've never seen him as pissed as now.

"Oh who's this cute boy over there?" Hyunjin asked pointing at Hyungie. It was like Hyunjin Hyung really hasn't noticed Seungmin Hyungie before.

"That's Seungmin. A classmate of mine." I shortly answered. "OooOh that classmate you told me about." Hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hajima!" I started hitting Hyunjin's chest with my fist to make him stop. He couldn't expose me like that.

"Seungmin, does he hit you like that too- ouch! That was a hard one!" Hyunjin asked Seungmin but then I landed a more powerful punch.

I leaned nearer to Hyunjin's ear to whispered: "Don't you dare telling him what I told you! If you do I'll throw you out"

"I really can't take you seriously with this hoodie on." Hyunjin said giggling while eyeing me from head to toe. "You're so cute I-" he was about about to say something but was interrupted in the end.

"Ok let's go in. Don't let Hyunjin stand there." With that I was pulled backwards by Seungmin, his hands on my shoulders to tear me away from Hyunjin. What was that? He once did that too when his mum pinched my cheeks.

Well, we did as Seungmin said and plopped ourselves at the couch. But Hyunjin was way faster and sat himself down in the middle. I sat to his left and Seungmin was forced to sit to his right side.

"Innie I missed you so much" Hyunjin mumbled and placed his head on my shoulder. It was his little habit, he always did that.

"So what did you guys do before?" Hyunjin asked and fiddled around with my hand which was resting in my lap.

"We were watching a movie, but then you came." Seungmin responded way faster than me with a not so friendly tone.

No one Pov

The three boys continued watching movies till the end of the day. While watching the second movie, Hyunjin had to go to the bathroom and Seungmin took the perfect opportunity to place himself in the middle.

Once later, Hyunjin already came back before and was sitting on the right side of the couch, Seungmin smoothly sneaked his arm around Jeongin. Of course Hyunjin noticed it and giggled a little bit.

Maybe this all was Hyunjin's purpose. Maybe he was testing how jelauos Seungmin was.

Hyunjin knew all of this because he talked to Jeongin. They often make phone calls or video chats. And of course it was his purpose to sit in the middle in the beginning.

You could say Hyunjin was number one of all the Jeongmin shippers, of course, the second biggest fan was Jisung the assistant.

Well, the evening ended with Seungmin going home again and Hyunjin staying over at Jeongin's, Jeongin couldn't send him home after he came all the way to Jeongin's.

Jeongin scolded Hyunjin a lot after Seungmin left for being too obvious, but Hyunjin on the other side found it funny how he tried to hide it.

This day Seungmin was confronted with the Jeongmin shipper number one, but what if he meets the second one too?


Ehehehehehe I'm proud of this chapter. Lmao I had this chaptee planned from the beginning.

Thanks for liking the ending so much, I'm really happy uwuuwuwuwuwuwu 💜💜💜💜💜💜

Go support @vHanhn with her first Ff 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

The next Bonus chapter will be uploaded next week Friday or Saturday. It's because of the school trip (I think you already know), so please be patient.

Hope you have a good day ♡

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