_× Chapter 2 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

The weird feeling wouldn't go away. It's the feeling when someone stares at you intensively. But when you look around there's no one staring at you.

Even when I tried to concentrate on what ever, that feeling wouldn't go away. I still felt it. It's awful!

Somehow I managed to kill some time and school was over. Hello Weekend! Or should I say: Hello Money! For my luck we weren't writing any stupid classtest next week so I won't be learning on the weekend.

I dashed out of school and saw my mum already waiting for me outside the school gates. Like I mentioned before my mum's picking me up today.

I got nearer to the car and opened the door. I took the passenger seat next to my mum. "Hi Sweetie! How was school today?"she asked me. "Hi Mum! How could school be?" I laughed it of.


We drove home, mum made lunch and then I packed the things I needed for the two days. We went back to the car and she dropped me of by the address we got.

And damn they were rich. Their house was huuuge. No wonder their parents would be on a trip, when I think about it, probably a buissnestrip.

Sometimes I think I'm in a really bad fan fiction

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Sometimes I think I'm in a really bad fan fiction. The start in the school, someone staring at me and then there are those rich people, everything here is so cliché.

I went closer to the gates and rang the doorbell. Now I'm reaaaally nervous.
"Hello?" I heard threw the inter phone.
"Hi! I'm Seungmin. I'm here for the job." I leaned in forward as I said that for the female to hear me better. "You may come in, Seungmin" the woman said politely.

The huge gates opened as if it was magic. You gotta understand, my broke ass isn't used to this. When I get money into my hands I immediately spend it on videogames. Some would say I couldn't deal well with money but ... okay you got me there.

I hadn't had more time for my stupid thoughts because I already got to the door. The door opened and it revealed a woman behind it. But she seemed so old. Maybe even the same Age as my mum. The probably just got the kid very late.

I reached out my hand for a handshake. "Hi Seungmin. You're in time. Good." She smiled at me. "Hello. Yes, thank you. But I think it's very important for job." I smiled as I said that.

The first impression is very important. Especially when you're there for a job. But the question is it a boy or a girl I'm gonna babysit? Will the child like m-
I couldn't think further because my thoughts were interrupted.
"Come in Seungmin." The woman said.

With that we got in and I froze because of amazement. I knew the house would be huge. But that huge?!

"Take a seat, please" She said

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"Take a seat, please" She said. I sat down at the couch. "Oh I didn't even introduce myself, how impolite. I'm sorry. Im Mrs. Yang but you can call me mum too." She added.

"No problem. Thank you for offering me the job. I really appreciate it." I tried to say it in the nicest way I could, but it probably sounded more stupid.

"Do you want to drink something"
"Yes. A glass of water, please." I said and nodded. She stood up and walked to the kitchen which was around a corner.

She came back with a glass of water. "Here you go. I have to talk with you and tell you something about my child.


Thank you for reading my second chapter. Two updates today because it's the start of the story.

Question of today: What's your favourite song by Stray Kids?

I really like the new album but I'm really obsessed with N/S, Insomnia and Voices.

Hope you have a good day. ♡

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