_× Chapter 20 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

After we visited some other shops, we went to the restaurant Innie suggested. We arrived there fast because it was very near the last shop we were in.

It wasn't that full, some tables were free. We quickly found a table for two, they're most of the time no people sitting.

We struggled a lot with putting down the shopping bag, no even finding place for it, because we shopped too much.

We were sitting here with around 11 bags. Innie definitely bought too much.

The waitress came to our table and we ordered our food. It was hard deciding on what to eat. Innie and I talked a little bit while waiting for our food to arrive.

Mostly we talked about school or just hobbies. I've never asked him about that and I was very curious.

Well I asked myself too why I've never talked to him. Sure I notice him in class during the lessons but we never interacted.

Let's say... our relationship is... weird. There isn't the order of how you get to know each other. It's just confusing.

After some time of thinking I spoke again, maybe to distract me too: "You definitely bought too much." I snorted while looking at all of the bags laying around next to our table.

"No. I wasn't shopping for years. My clothes were too small already. Dont blame me" he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"You won't be able to wear them all in just one week. Bet you'll never wear all hoodies because you already forgot some." I explained.

"No I won't forget them." Innie laughed. "Yeah sure. When you change your clothes every second." I laughed as well.

"But there's one hoodie you have to wear." I smirked. "Which one?" Innie asked confused not really having an idea of what my plan was.

"The pink one." I mouthed so that others in the restaurant couldn't hear it. "W-what... w-well.." Innie laid his head while his arms where resting at the table and hit his face that I couldn't see it.

I stretched my arm forward to pat his head. Innie began talking again: "I'm wearing it at home not on school, 'kay?" "Yeah sure but you have to wear it when I'm babysitting you." I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, just leave me alone Seungmean." Innie sat up straight again and giggled.


OoOOooOoFff this chapter is boring. Sooooooryyyyy 🤧💜

Y'all we've reached 1k and I'm so happy. Thank you for reading, voting and supporting. I luv ya so muuuuuch 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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