_× Chapter 7 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

After that we finally made dinner and of course ate it. It was awesome. I love food, but not as much I love Jeongin.

All that time Jeongin wasn't a Little, he was big.

"Do you want to play video games?" He asked. Usually I reeeeeeally like to play video games but now I'm very tired.

Because of that I said: "No thanks. I really love them, but not now, I'm too exhausted. I had to take care of a little kid today." I laughed while teasing him.

"I'm not a little kid ya know!" Jeongin scolded me (A/N you know that tone he has when he scolds like everyone XD).

"I'm sorry my sweet and grown adult." I laughed. "That's better then 'my beloved child', but you know what time it is?" He asked.

"Yes there's a clock, you dummy. It's your own house. It's 19.58 o'clock." We were sitting on the couch.

"No it's not. It's payback time!" And with that he started to tickle me. "Hey stop!" I couldn't hold myself up because of laughing. "You deserve it!" He giggled. Why is he so cute while being so rude.

I swear he didn't even made I sign of stopping to tickle me. So I put all my strength together I had left (A/N wow that sounds like an epic fight XD).

I pushed him away from my and down on the couch. I hovered a little bit over him and said: "You were wrong my dear. Now it's payback time" I said evily but still laughing. Then I just did what he did and started tickling him.

"No! It's not fair!" He escalated in laughed. His laugh is truly music to my ears. But I didn't wanted to torture him that much because he had some point so I stopped after a little while and stayed in the position we were in.


Hellow! ❤

Here's the second chapter I promised for today. Thank you for reading.

Hope you have a good day ♡

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