_× Bonus 4 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

Today Innie and me played some video games at my place. He once said that we have to play some of mine and I promised him. I'm promising him so many things lately.

It wasn't a sunny autumn day, even the opposite, it was raining heavily and the sky was grey and cloudy all day long. Pretty good weather to stay at home and play video games.

We were currently sitting at the floor of my room and playing video games. Yes, I have an TV in my room. I even bought it with my own money.

Innie was sitting directly in front of me, so I had my arms, and kinda my leg too, wrapped around him from behind. Everywhere at the floor were pillows and blankets, it was pretty cozy.

We were playing against each other. It really was challenge to win against him, he was better than I thought. Most of the rounds I won, but this round it seemed like he would win in the end.

"Hey! How did you do that? Not fair!" I said sulky. "You know, just good players can do that." Innie giggled.

"Wow, this insult really hurt me." I said sarcastically as I always do. But then I got an idea.

I put the controller aside and started tickling both of his side's with both of my hands. "Hey! Stop that!" He burst out in laughter. "Stop, you're cheating!" He said later too.

Innie really tried fighting against it but he was trapped because of my legs around him. Suddenly I felt something tickling my feet. "Hey! Don't do that!" I immediately said and let go of him.

"It always works." Innie said and clapped his hand. "Wow, now you defeated me in-game and in real life." I let my head hanging down and whipped a imaginary tear away.

"Dwon't be swad, Seungminnie Hyungwie." He said cutely and kinda threw himself to hug me. That was a quick swap onto Littlespace. "I'm happy again. Thanks, princess" I said while patting his head.

It's funny how he doesn't care anymore about the names I would give him. I'm sure than in the past he would throw fists. Well nevermind, when I think about it, he would do that still if he wouldn't be in Littlespace.

Suddenly there was a thunder and the room became for one second very bright. Because of this all was occurring so unexpected, Innie flinched so hard which made me flinching a bit too.

Immediately after Innie flinched he clinched to me and burried his head in my chest, he was laying on top a me because of the hugging before.

"Innie dwont likes thwunders." He mumbled into my chest. "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you." I snorted a little bit because of his cuteness and placed both of my arms around him to hold him tight.

Another thunder came by and Innie squeaked. My grip tightened and I began to pat his head lightly.

"Let's go to bed and cuddle there with Teddy. (A/N Y'all Teddy made a comeback XD)" I said while slowly standing up to signal him to go to bed with me. "Yes Tweddy will hwelp" He said and stood up, kinda rushing towards Teddy. He took Teddy along with him today, it's so cute. Mostly Teddy stays at home but today he brought him here.

By now I didn't noticed how Innie was laying in the bed already, curled up in blankets while hugging Teddy.

"Ywou coming twoo, Seungminnie Hyungie?" He asked and opened his arms to do grabbyhands. "Of course, princess." I responded and plotted myself onto the bed, hugging him back.

We didnt have to changed clothes because we were in our pyjamas all day long, which were hoodies and some shorts.

"Sleep well." I whispered and gave him a quick peck on his nose. Apparently he didn't noticed that because he already fell asleep.

I can tell you: I've lost all my uwus.


Hiiii 🙋🏼‍♀️

So this is the last last chapter. The last chapter of this Story and the last chapter of the bonus chapters.

So again, thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting and supporting. I appreciate it so much. I've never imagined such a support. Like really, thank you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

(Psssssst maybe I'm planning on posting a minsung Ff, but that's just an idea hihihi)

Hope you have a good day, for the last time in this book. ♡

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