_× Chapter 26 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

I talked a lot with my mum that day. Often we hadn't had time to tell the other  what was bothering us or what was funny. Yeah, I'm really opened up to my mum, she tells me everything and otherwise.

Well the main topic of our talk then was obviously Innie. I told her about the beautiful days and after that we tried to find a solution for Innie's mum too.

One idea was that Innie sleeps more often at our place, of course he would go home sometimes too. But the idea wouldn't change the way his mother was acting, maybe it would get even worse.

The other idea was, that my mum would have a little talk with his mum, ya know, talk from mother to mother.

Well what made me curious was his dad. It confusing, sometimes he'd care but then he wouldn't do something about Mrs. Yang treating Innie bad.

In the end we mixed the first two idea, but we still didn't know how or where to begin with.

What I know was, that I gotta be very thankful to my mum. Offering her help, especially for Innie, she didn't even knew for long, was really kind. I mean it isn't her duty to help him.

We finished our drinks and I put the empty cup of cocoa in the sink and said: "I'm going to bed, mum. I'm pretty tired already."

"Alright sweetie. Sleep well." She stood up and hugged me. Then I walked to my room well particuarly my closet to get my pyjamas. I changed and brushed my teeth and all that night routine stuff.

When I walked in my room Innie's position was completely changed. Now he was hugging a pillow slightly, mouth a little bit agape and little snores coming from him. Someone help me collecting my uwus.

I got some time to admire his features. He looks so different when he isn't smiling but still beautiful tho.

Luckily Innie left some space for me to lay down too. I carefully filled the space next to him, not wanting to wake him up. I succeed and gave him a quick peck on the forehead. "Sleep well, cutie." I whispered and then fell asleep after some time.


Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️

Sorry for being so inactive. You guys deserve much more regular updates. 😔🤧

Your support is amazing, I can't say it enough. It suprises me everyday to make many views a day. Thank you so much 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

So some minutes ago SKZ-Player came out and skskskksjskks *Lee Minhoe joined the chat* But seriously I'm a dancer too and his moves are amazing, you have to think about that he made the choreography himself. This boy really got my whole heart 🤧✊🏼

Hope you have a good day ♡

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