_× Chapter 21 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

The waitress brought our ordered food, it looked really delicious and it was indeed. But it wasn't as tasty as Hyungie's food. He has to cook more often so I could eat his dishes all time. Just because of babysitting obviously.

"How's your food?" I asked Hyungie while munching on the food in my mouth. "It's delicious. Do you want to try it?" Seungminnie hold his spoon up, but of course carefully so he wouldn't spill the soup.

I hummed in response, I was curious about Hyungie's dish. Because of my response he then moved the spoon closer to my mouth, I had lean nearer to reach it too.

I opened my mouth and ate it. He practically fed me. I leaned a bit backwards so I would lean against the chair again.

"Mmm it's good but mine is still better." I giggled. "Really? So I wanna try yours too." Hyungie said. I did as he said and picked up the food with the fork. The process repeated but now with switched roles, I was feeding him. And so on.

People around are staring probably but it doesn't matter. I don't care. I just enjoyed the time with Minnie.

After some time we finally finished or meal. We have to come here more often because it's really yummy (A/N insert Hyunjin: So not yummy XD).

I looked a little bit around the restaurant. I didn't notice that it was very greenish and pretty decorated.

"Innie!" Hyungie said as my head snapped back to him.

"Hmm?" I observed him. He was leaning a little bit over the table and looking at my eyes and then at my lips. What is he trying to do?

He leaned nearer and nearer at the point I would get nervous. Seriously what us he doing?

"Why..." He giggled as he leaned an inch nearer again.

"...why can't you eat properly." Hyungie giggled and brush his thumb against the corner of my mouth. His other fingers were holding my chin up.

"What?!..." I said confused but still very quietly. I wasn't really realizing or processing any of this. I was ready to shove his hands away but at that moment he already sat back properly at his chair.

My hands landed an my checks to check if I was flustered already. You might know the answer already.

"There was some food stuck there. Someday I have to feed you if you continue this." He laughed and licked the rest of his thumb.

Wait, wait, wait. I need some time to realize all of this here.

"Okay..." I said responding just something as I touched the spot with fingers where his numb lingered seconds before.

"Don't be so overdramatic." Hyungie said probably noticing the confused look on my face. "No I'm not. You were just fast, I couldn't follow... yeah and I'm tired. Guess who woke me up this morning." I said defending myself.

"You should become a rapper by how fast you're talking when you're embarred." He snorted.

"Sure, to diss the shit out of you." I said smirking. "Hey! No cursing. You're a baby!"

"Whatever. Let's pay and go home." I said.



Well I wanna talk about something. I want to end this fan fiction soon. There won't be a 'real ending too'. It's because I don't find time to write all this and I'm stressing myself too much. But don't worry this story will have about 30 Chapters.

Thank you for your support 💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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