_× Chapter 6 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

"But we now we really have to make dinner, I'm starving." I whined as we were standing in the kitchen while trying find out where everything was to make dinner.

"Yeah but please don't treat me like a child right now, Hyung. I'm not feeling like a Little now." Jeongin explained and leaned a little bit on the counter.

"Of course. Everything my child wants" I began to snort with laughter not really realising what words I used. Ok, I admit it was a little bit intention too.

He began to laugh too: "Since when I'm your beloved child? I feel honoured. But seriously, it sounds so cringe. Chose another nickname please!" He begged.

I can mess with him now. I smirked to myself because of the idea a had. "So should I call you..." I began to think out loud. Let's test how fast he gets flustered.

"...hmmm So should I call you honey? Fox? Princess?" He cut of my sentence immediately: "Wait princess? Really? Are you serious?" He laughed even harder.

"So how's with Baby boy?" I bluntly asked with a smirk. I think he got my message.

"Hajima! Wait... I.. No!" He became red like a tomato und tried to hide his face with his hands. But I still saw it though. Succeed!

"What I have done to deserve you?" He said whining while punching my arm very hard. Well I didn't expect that.

"Ya! That hurt! I was joking! Calm down." I said laughing while rubbing my arm where he hit it. He's so mean but I still love him though.



Short Chapter, I know. But in a few minutes there will be another.

Question of today: How's life?

Mine is wonderful like in a fairy tale (not). Don't you just hate your teachers for making so many classtest before the holidays? I'm dobble rip because I have to hold a presentation next week. Fml. XD

Hope you have a good day ♡

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