_× Chapter 16 ×_

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Seungmin Pov

It was so cute how he held my hand to pull me all across the mall. I think he wasn't really aware of that. He pulled me truth the dense crowds till we finally arrived at his destination. The boy next to me, who was holding my hand, became more excited as we stood in front of it. Innie's smile got even wider when we entered the shop.

It was a pretty basic shop but it still was very bright. The walls were painted in a normal white with some black stripes The shop looked, to sum it up, very modern.

While I was looking around the shop Innie already looked through the clothes.
"Look, Hyungie" Innie caught my attention. I hummed in respond and turn to see what he called me for.

He also pulled my arm to make me stand closer to him. It was a very cute action of his although I said: "Ya! Stop pulling my arm all the time. It'll hurt tomorrow. And why are you so strong?!"

"I'm sorry. But I'm so excited, I wasn't shopping for years" he apologised  still sounding very happy.

I didn't even get the chance on looking at the hoodie, he already pulled me to another clothes stand. He'll never stop pulling me, isn't he?

"I wanna buy that one." He had another clothing hanger in his hand. The hoodie he showed me now was better than the other one in my opinion. I liked this one too.

"I like that one too

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"I like that one too. But you don't have to asked me, in the end it's your mone-" I didn't came further because the shop assistant cut me of.

"Do you need any help?" He asked Innie kindly but I knew the shop assistant wasn't. He positioned himself between me Innie so he excluded me and just had a conversation with Innie. The assistant didn't even look at me. Hello? I'm here too?!

"E-E-Ehmm..." Innie stumbled and was uncomfortable. Although I didn't saw his face I already knew Innie was.

"Tell me baby (A/N that reference lol XD)" the assistant said confident as he leaned his head nearer to Innie. Now je really overexaggerated. My teeth already were screeching because I clenched my mouth. He'd better stay away from Innie.

I turned the shop assistant around, what he probably didn't expect because of the confused look on his face, he still looked confident though, I looked down at him. Yes, he even was smaller than Innie which looked ridiculous.

I looked at the small nametag on his left chest. Gotta know the Name of this stupid person. I took a glimpse and could see a "Han Jisung" written there. I quickly look back to his eyes.

I than answered for Innie: "No we don't need your help. Thank you very much. Bye." I shoved him out of the way and emphasised the your especially. My blood was boiling to the point I had to keep myself under control. How could someone like that work here?!

Innie was still uncomfortable because he was fiddling with his fingers. The assistant began to laugh. I just gave him a weird look. "What?" I snickered. "Nothing I was just testing your nerves." The squirrel looking assistant laughted.

"What's so funny about it, huh?" I lifted my clenched fist. "Chill out you puppy. I'm already taken." He held his hands up, leaned closer to my ear and then added whispering: "I knew you like this boy over there. I was just testing you when you get too jealous."

What is he saying? I don't like Innie. Well not in that way. What caused him to think that?
I was thinking so hard I didn't notice this 'Han' already went away. Just as quick as he appeared, he disapered like that too. Is he a ghost. No, the chubby cheeks definitely looked like a squirrel.

Just Innie suddenly torn me away from my thoughts. "Hyungie?" He asked quietly. "Yes?" I asked now fully concentrated.

"Are you okay? What did he say?" Innie asked carefully. "Oh nothing he just made a stupid joke that I had to process first." I came up with the most stupid excuse ever. What should I say to him? The truth?

"Promise me you'll never go here alone, understood." I said. I'm still not trusting 'Han' "Okaaay." He said clearly confused. Wow this stupid assistant really ruined the mood.

Jeongin probably saw that I was really pissed that moment. So he said: "I still want to go everywhere with you Seungmin Hyungie." After he said that he smiled even wider and more adorable. How could I hold me UwU's back when he's such an adorable bean? Innie really knows how to brighten up the mood.

"Aww me too. But let's pay for the hoodie and get out of here. I don't really like it here." I said as I mumbled the last part. Perfect, now I don't like this place. 'Just don't come here on Saturdays.' I mumbled to myself. This was my idea of avoiding Han and still going to Innie's favourite shop.

"What did you say?" Innie asked. "Oh nothing." I smiled. "Do you like this hoodie too?" He asked again probably trying to distract me. "Yes of course it's cool" I responded.

"Then buy it too. You'll have one and I'll have one." He smiled which made me even happier than I was because of his sentence. "That's the best idea I've ever heard, Innie." I was smiling too now and patted his head.

So with that I took one too. Innie just stood there and didn't move, he was probably daydreaming. Maybe he was thinking about what happened. To be honest I really don't know neither.

"Let's go." I smiled and now I was the one who took his hand and pulled him along.

We then paid for the two hoodies. Of course I wanted to pay for my own hoodie but Innie insisted so much that I had to give in.

After that we left the shop. We walk a little bit around, yes I still was holding Innie's hand when suddenly one particular shop caught my eye. "Let's go over there." I suggested while smirking. Now I had a very good idea.



Sorry for not posting yesterday. But luckily I don't have to write class tests this week no more and next week I'll have holidays!

This chapter was so long like skskjskksksksk 1050 words. But it's still trash though OooOoOOopsi XD

Thank you for 670 reads and 93 votes. UwuuuUuuUUuuUuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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