_× Chapter 12 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

He carried me all the way downstairs, I guess I'm very light.

(The kitchen btw. ⬇️)

We got in our kitchen/dining room and he placed me down at one of the chairs

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We got in our kitchen/dining room and he placed me down at one of the chairs. Maybe I clinched a little bit to him because 1. I was afraid of falling down when he settled me on the chair and 2. I didn't want him to let go.

I wanna cuddle with Hyungie all day. "Seungmin Hyungie!" I said in my 'little voice' (A/N You know what I mean XD) as I was about to tell him about my idea.

"What is it, honey." (Wow I'm cringing) Seungmin said softly as he turned to my direction because he was standing next to the counter and I was sitting on the chair.

"I told you not to call me thwat!" I said little bit mad. "So what should I call you, we already had this discussion once
(A/N Twice! ♡)." He asked. "I know! Just call mwe Innie!" I said but still a little bit upset.

"But I really like teasing you with nicknames." Hyungie mumbled but I still understood him. "No! Don't do thwat! Innie don't like it." I shook my head.

"Okay, okay. But what did you want to tell me before?" He asked coming back to the table with two plates in his hands. I stayed quiet and looked down on the table because I didn't want to tell him anymore. How embarrassing it would be when I would asked him: 'Hey I really like your warmth. Can we cuddle all day?' I couldn't do that.

"Innie, please tell me." Seungmin said at first kindly. I didn't responded so he said: "You have to tell me. You have to listen to me. I'm your babysitter after all." He laughed in an evil tone. Was he joking or-?

Well I better should ask myself if he's Satan in a human body. "Answer me, Innie." Hyungie said in a dominant tone. "W-well..." my face heated already at my beginning of the sentence. "Yes?" He smirked while he said it and wanted me to go on.

"... I... I w-wanted to c-c-cuddle with you all dway." I said very quietly and hoping that he wouldn't hear it.

"Oh baby you're so cuuuute~" Seungminnie squeaked and settle himself down on the chair next to me. He placed the plates down on the table, one in front of me, the other of course in front of him.

Then he pinched my checks because he's like doing it all the time. I think he found his new hobby beside being a sucker for money. How do I know that you ask? I'll tell you someday. (A/N or he tells you later in the story XD)

"Hmpf..." I scrunched my nose and puffed my checks because he would let go. He finally did afterwards.

"But yes, of course we can cuddle. Just say so. We can cuddle even now!" Hyungie said sweetly and full of excitement.

He then grabbed me by th waist and pulled me over to his chair, which was very easy because we were sitting next to each other. Now I was sitting on his lap and he placed his arm from behind around me.

I was so flustered and a little bit shocked because of that I did nothing. I was like frozen at the spot, frozen at his lap exactly. On the one side I was surprised by his actions and on the other side I wasn't used to things like this because most of the time no one was home, so I was all by myself.

"Wait! I need my plwate." At least I finally managed to do something or more precisely to say something. I reached over with my hand where I used to sit and grabbed my plate. I shoved the plate next to Seungmin Hyungie's.

I thought it would be very uncomfortable to eat like this but somehow it was very comfy. But sadly, as Hyungie predicted, the pancakes got cold. But I didn't mind it because I still enjoyed a warmth. The warmth coming from Seungmin Hyungie.


Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️

I'm back (back, back, back, back, back 좀 더 전으로) with a new chapter. Yeeeeyyyy or should I say Yaaaaa ;D. I'm being dumb again, sorry.

Thank you for 325 reads and 38 votes. Love ya soon much 💜😁

Hope you have a good day ♡

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