_× Chapter 17 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

"Where?" I asked confused because Seungmin pointed with his finger which I couldn't follow that fast.

"There!" Hyungie said pointing again so I finally saw it. It was a really lovely, cute and in pastel colours painted shop.

"There? No! You know I'm not thaaaat the girly Little?" I asked waiting for his respond. "What's a 'girly Little'?" He asked as he tilted his head a little bit, which made him look like a puppy again.

"It's when a boy plays with girls toys and likes to wear pink and so on." I shortly explained trying to sound confident not to get busted. Maaaybe but just maybe I bought someday there one hoodie or something. Maybe two but you heard nothing!

Of course I'm not wearing those kind of clothes at school or when I'm being babysitted. That means I just wear them at home but Seungmin doesn't have to know that.

"Okay, let's go!" He said and dragged me into the shop. "You're not listening to me, are you?" I mumbled while laughing and shook my head in disbelief.

After some time of dragging me he stooped. "You know you lost our 'little bet' " he said smirking. This boy has a plan, kill me please. "And you know that I have a favour free. I want you to do for me something for me." He began giggling now.

"Aish you're so creepy" I said trying to distract and poking his side. He flinched but then looked at me again. "So, about the favour?" He asked teasing, wanting me to answer.

"Well... No!... I'm mean y-yeah, I kinda lost." I tried to find words. He didn't even responded to that and just smirked while he was dragging me further into the shop.


Seungmin was really into it. He was the one searching now and he did that like for plenty of minutes. "Aish, found something?" I asked him because I was bored by now.

"Here!" He said happily while holding up the hoodie if it was a kind of treasure
(A/N Y'ALL STREAM TREASURE BY ATEEZ AND BE HYPED FOR THE COMEBACK thank you very much for your attention ♡ XD).

I scanned the hoodie and saw that it was specially cute.

Hyungie purposely chose a size bigger the I actually had

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Hyungie purposely chose a size bigger the I actually had. I would swim in fabric when I would wear that. Why he chose it? Isn't it obvious that I have the same size as him?

"Here try it on!" Minnie said excitedly, shoved the hoodie into my hand and also shoved me into the changing room because we were standing right next to it.

"I'm not going to wear that and I'm obviously not showing you" I said from the inside because he already closed the door of the little changing room I was standing in.

"Yes you're wearing that because first, you have to listen to me because I'm your babysitter, second, because you lost the bet and third, I'm not letting you out unless you show me." Hyungie tried to find arguments. I hate him so much.

"Fine, but don't make fun of me, understood?" I said defeated. "Of course, how could I?" He laughed sarcastically.

"And plus, don't pretend that you don't wear something like that." Seungminnie said. "What?! H-How?" I frozed and stopped every action of mine.

"I looked into your closet. It was when you fell asleep and I was thinking (A/N tgingking ;]) about to change your clothes but in the end I didn't do it because I thought you'd be uncomfortable with it." Hyungie explained.

There were many reasons now, why my face was heating up. Gosh this thought of changing me...

"Shhhh be quiet! I don't want people to hear us!" I scolded shouting-whispering. His respond for that was just a little giggle.

Finally I changed the hoodie which took me for years and looked into the mirror. The  sleeves were far to long and hanging downwards a little bit. The hoodie was way to big, it made me look even smaller.

There's no way he could see me like that, never ever. "I'm not coming out!" I changed my mind. "But I really wanna see you in thwat" he imitated my little voice. "Hey! Don't do that!" I slight blush creept on my face and I stuck just my head out of the changing room to glare at him.

See you're so cute! You're even blushing!" Hyungie poked my nose. "Look I found another hoodie for you while you were changing." He said happily while holding up another clothing hanger.

" He said happily while holding up another clothing hanger

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"Aish just leave me alone." I said while blushing even more. "You'll wear that one too when you're not coming out." He pointed at the hoodie in his hands and laughed.

"No I'm not going out. You go in here." I said trying to find something that would satisfy him. He started to think.

Gosh please say just yes.

(A/N 뭘 고를지 몰라 준비해봤어  둘 중에 하나만 골라 yes or yes? 네 마음을 몰라 준비해봤어  하나만 선택해 어서 yes or yes? XD)



New. Chapter. Is. Here. Wassup?

Lol I started a new FF. It's Taekook.
Check it out if you want to. ♡

KKsksksskksksksk Yellow Wood is coming and I'm still not okay like skkskskskkskk I'm not even finished listening Miroh everyday?!  I'm so hyyyyyyyyyyyped

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KKsksksskksksksk Yellow Wood is coming and I'm still not okay like skkskskskkskk I'm not even finished listening Miroh everyday?!  I'm so hyyyyyyyyyyyped.

Thank you so much for 706 reads and 98 votes 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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