_× Chapter 5 ×_

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Jeongin (in Little Mode XD) Pov

I lend Seungim-Hyungie to my rwoom and showed him Teddy. I bwet he likes him. But he likes Teddy not as much as me. Jeongin never allow thwat. (A/N Jeongin goes Yandere? XD)

I cuddle with Teddy all day, when no one is home. But Teddy mwakes me always happy.

No one's Pov

The boys (s->z hehe if you get it ;D) played and laughed a lot that day. It was like if they've known each other for years, yes they were classmates for one or two years but they never actually talked to each other.

Jeongin really like his Hyung because he wouldn't make fun of him like all the other kids or even laughing at him, because eventually there was something like that I the past but that's not the topic now.

Seungmin on the other hand really liked the Little too. He was different, but of course in a good way. Jeongin was cute and funny (and sometimes evil XD), not like the others in their classes. Most of them took drugs, drank a lot and did lots of violence. Seungmin couldn't realated to that. That doesn't mean he's holy and never ever did something bad. But not that bad.

That was one reason why Seungmin hated school so much.


The time flew by fast because that did lots of things, like mention before.

Seungmin Pov

"Do you want something to eat? It's getting pretty late." I asked Jeongin.
"Yeeees, Jeongin is hwungry" Jeongin answered.

"So what do you want to eat?" "Chiiiiiickeeeeen!!" He cheered a little but too loud but it was still cute though. Wow when it comes to things like games or food he decides pretty quick.

"You're so cute." I said and patted his head. Gosh I already made that like 1000 times today.

"But People don't like me because of thwat" he said in a very hurt tone.

"I can't imagine. How couldn't they like such an adorable human being." I spoke out loud which made him a little bit flustered.

"I don't know but it's hurting a lot..." he looked even more sad than before. Also he said that in his normal voice. I guess he's not a Little longer for now. I think me sentence kicked him out of Littlespace.

"But really those people are shits, it's the sweetest thing ever." I explained me opinion.

"I don't know... there weren't many people in my life that liked me." He whispered under his breath. Although his eyes became teary he smiled trough it. Have O mentioned, that this boy smiles all the time?

He then continued: "My Mother and Father always would go somewhere and leave me alone at home because I couldn't come with them. So I always needed a Babysitter but most of them didn't want to come one more time after they watched over me. But once I had a friend called Hyunjin. But we had to move away because of certain problems.  I'm still chatting with him but it isn't the same as seeing each other everyday in school. Wow that was such a long speech. I'm sorry. " He finished.

"No, no. I'm sorry for you that something like that happened to you. You're the most precious angle." I said quickly.

Then I hovered nearer to him because we were sitting on the floor in his room and hugged him.

"But, if you ever feel lonely or your parents aren't home like today, or even if it's just for a few hours, just call me and I can come over or you could come to me house. Wow now I really held a really long speech. But I could never reach your level of holding speeches" I laughed and tapped his nose.

"Hey! You kneel down because your highness of making loooong speeches is her." Jeongin said and made some gestures with his hand.

"Ya! Never. You know I'm older!" I scolded him while laughing. He then laughed along with me.

And there was it. The beautiful and real smile of him, which I adore so much.


Hiiiii! Thank you for reading this story. Next Chapters will be more happy.

Question of today: Which other groups do you stan?

I have like thousand groups I stan. You can read my bio. There are the ones I reeeeaaaally like.

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Hope you have a good day ♡

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