_× Chapter 13 ×_

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Jeongin Pov

After enjoying the very, and I'm not joking, veeery delicious meal I put the cutlery aside. The pancakes were cold and still tasted better than my mum's. I want him to cook for my everyday.

"Where did you learn to make so good pancakes?" I asked excited. I mean that talent can't exist just like that. "Oh actually I learn it from my mum. I really liked the pancakes, no I adore them, so I asked my mum for the recipe." Seungmin Hyungie explained.

"I guess your mum is a good cook then." I giggled. "Yeees! You need to come over for lunch or something someday." He was now the exited one. "Sure." I smiled.

Meeting his mum, huh? It's so weird. One the one side I know him just because he's my classmate and on the other side I don't know him that much. It's surprising me, that we got so close so fast. Like, I'm not doing this with everyone. Weird, isn't it? I smiled to myself because of my thoughts.

"What are you smiling for, you little dork?" He asked me. Because if that I turned my head a little bit around to face him. Right I'm still sitting on his lap.

"Nothing" I snorted because of laughter. He had to smile too. A puppy. Yes, Seungmin is indeed a puppy. "Don't look at me with your puppy face!" I demanded.

"What are you even talking about? But I'm really sorry, your highness." Seungminnie said sarcastically. "See, 'your highness' sound even better than the boring 'Innie' "  I laughed.

"Pfff sure." He laughed too and stood up which made me lift myself too. He then kinda placed me back on the chair and took the two, now empty, plates. Yes, I'm still drooling over the food from before.

He then walked over to the counter to place down the plates in the sink and began to wash it. He's always so nice to me. Plus he's always doing anything for me. Maybe that's the reason why I like him. He always does anything for his highness. Just kidding.

Seungmin treats me very diffently. Other babysitters always made my responsible for everything. That wasn't very nice. For example the made me clean and wash everything which was their job because my mum told them to. I really didn't like them.

When Seungmin shoved up here for the first time I really was scared that he would be like that too or even worse. Yeah, he's still awful because of the   teasing. I take the puppy thing back, let's call him satan.

I stood up too after finishing my thoughts. Seungmin Hyungie still didn't finished washing the dishes. I kinda sneaked behind him as quiet I could be. Now it was payback time. This time it won't fail. I smirked to myself while preparing to attack.

At the perfect moment I poked both of his side of the waist. "Ya!" He jumped a little bit. He immediately turned around and looked at me.

"Don't do that ever again." He laughed. All of the sudden he then splashed me with the water which was left on his hand from washing the dishes.

I was the flinching one now. I really didn't expect that. "Why are you always attacking baaack~" I whined and clinched onto his clothes. I'm never going to tease or attack him properly.

"You know that's my full-time job. You aren't so innocent too!" He flicked my forehead which made me have more contact with the water.

"Stop!" I laughed as I hit him. Hitting is the solution for everything. "Look! That's what I mean." I pointed at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Dry your hands and come to the living room." I tried to wipe away the water, and soap too, from my forehand. Because of that he even laughed harder at me. I shook my head in disappointment, still laughing, and left the kitchen.

I'm already worrying about how this day would turn out.



Lol this chapter was meant to be very short but it isn't. When I wrote it on paper it had like 200 words but now it has about 700. 😂

Maaaaybe I'm updating tomorrow.

Thank you for 390 reads and 51 votes. I can't say it enough. I'm really thankful. 💜💜💜

Hope you have a good day ♡

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