Chapter Nineteen - Dreams

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I woke up screaming with fear from my dream. How could something feel so real but be a dream at the same time? There was a massive aching pain in the back of my head, exactly where I hit my head on the floor in my dream. I looked at my arm, it was cut, as if something had stabbed it. In my dream I flung my arms out to stop myself from falling and I fell onto my arm which scratched it on a piece of sharp wood. That didn't happen did it? Surely it would've been covered up or something?

"Cara, are you alright? I heard you scream, did you have a nightmare?" Brogan questioned. 

I nodded to confused and shaken to speak as he glanced down at my cut arm. "What the hell happened?!"

"I...I don't know. I woke up screaming because of my dream, it seemed so real, I'm starting to think it was. All the cuts and pain in my dream matches real life. I-"

"Hey, hey, slow down you're talking too fast again." I always spoke fast when I was panicking, "I don't see how you hurt yourself, you've been down here the whole time. I..uh..I stayed awake because I was scared you was going to go and get something your dad left you from your house, I didn't want you to be in danger again."

"Wait what thing that my dad left me? I've got everything that I owned from him. Why would I want to go home? I have no reason to." What was he on about, I remember in my dream I wanted to go back for "something" but I didn't now what. It certainly wasn't anything that dad had left me because it was all in my schoolbag, I made sure to take it all the first time I left. What was going on? It was almost as if something was trying to get me back home.

"Brogan..I need to go back home. Just for a few hours. I don't know why but something or someone wants us to go back there, both of us. We didn't have a conversation like this last night I promise. But two similar things that happen to two people is saying something. We need to go back." I explained to him, determined to get my own way.

"Actually I was thinking the just seems right to go back. I just didn't want you to go back in the middle of the night incase you got into some kind of danger."

I texted my mum to ask if it was okay if we visited and she said it was fine. On the way there I told him about my dream.

"Muuum?" I called out.

"Cara, darling you're alright. Why didn't you text me?" She hugged me for so long it seemed like she was never going to let me. I'm not sure I would either if I were her, recently losing her youngest daughter then having her other daughter run away. "So, what made you come back?"

"Actually, we're not staying long, but there's something I need to talk to you about."

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