Chapter Eight - Hello?

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Brogan'a POV

I couldn't wish to be anywhere else but here. Considering everything that's been going on I still would rather be sitting here, staring at the most beautiful girl in the world while sitting on the floor. Not the most comfortable place to be, but probably the safest, no way of being pulled off something or pushed. We're safe. Safe to talk about anything.

Cara's basically told me everything now. From simple things like drinks thrown mysteriously to her being pushed downstairs and scratched. We can't figure out who she might be, but something's happened to annoy her.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP TALKING ABOUT ME CARA!" We heard. Cara ducked her head down hiding it under her arms as she pulled herself into a ball. She was sitting in the corner furthest away from the door, now I know why.

"Brogan...Brogan help me. She gonna hurt me again!" She shouted, her words muffled because her head was buried. Her beautiful long, wavy head fell down almost reaching the floor.

I stared at the door. We had shut it when we first went upstairs. Cara felt safer that way. "Look Cara it's alright I won't let her hurt you." I tried to comfort her.

I watched the door handle as it misted up and slowly turned. The metal looked so cold. It continued to turn until it clicked loudly. "" Cara muttered rocking backwards and forth.

Suddenly, the door opened slamming against the pink wall. Everything went silent. No one was there. No footsteps away or anything.

"Hello?" I called out, stupidly, "Is anyone there?"

A high pitched scream filled the room followed by a shout begging not to be hurt

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