Chapter Forty

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I sat down at any lunch table with Molly and her friends. I gave up with the school lunches and didn't want to sneak out anymore. I took a cheese and ham sandwich that my mum had made me this morning out of my bag and began to nibble the edge. I wasn't really hungry but knew I had to eat or I would be hungry later. I sat there forcing myself to eat and talking to Molly and her friends. I could tell they didn't really like me but I guess we were just getting used to each other.

The canteen doors swung open and a group of loud teenagers wandered in laughing among themselves. Molly rolled her eyes, "Do they really have to be THAT loud?" She asked emphasising the 'that' to show it was annoying her. I laughed awkwardly as the group stopped by our table. I immediately saw Andrew standing next to Megan with his arm around her.

"Oh look Andrew, it's your girlfriend." Megan sneered and her group laughed.

He pulled away from her, "Y'know what Megan? Fuck off and leave her alone!"

The whole room went silent. Everyone was staring at Megan's group and my table not knowing what to say.

Megan took a step forward trying to make herself look big, "What?" She asked giving him a chance to change what he said.

Andrew stood up straight, he was at least a foot taller than her and Megan picked up on this and stepped back, "You heard me." He replied simple and sat down at our table next to me.

Megan went red, clearly no one has ever stood up to her in front of most of the school before. It'll do her good, maybe she'll stop being so horrible to everyone, maybe. "You'll realise what she's really like soon enough." I stood up and noticed a familiar face standing next to her whispering something in her ear, smirking at me. Her face lit up, "Cara, why don't you tell us what happened to Alice?"

I stood there for a second stunned, why would Alice tell her that? Why is she helping Megan make my life hell? I raised my hand as Megan stood there laughing. My hand slammed down across her face making a crash that everyone in the school would have heard. I stepped backwards admiring the deep red mark I'd made across her orange face. It was so red it was visible through the tons of makeup she was wearing.

"Don't mess with me." I whispered to her before sitting back down to continue my conversation with my friends.

Andrew pulled me towards him, "That was brilliant," he whispered kissing my cheek. I pulled away as my table filled with teasing comments.

"Cara, the headmaster's office now!" A random teacher yelled at me.

I laughed muttering "Whatever at her," and grabbed my bag. I walked out the room smiling.

I heard someone running after me, "Cara, Cara where are you going?" Andrew asked.

"Where does it look like I'm going?" I rolled my eyes, "Andrew leave me alone." I stopped walking, "I'm going the wrong way aren't I?"


I groaned, there was no way I'd find my way around this huge school. It was going to be impossible. We walked in silence to the headmaster's office. I don't think either of us knew what to say. Besides, I didn't want to talk to him.

"You're mad at me." He broke the awkward silence.

"Well done." I frowned.

"What did I do this time?" He sighed.

"You said you hated her." I told him simply.

"Oh so you do care?" He pulled at face at me that I ignored, "What that in the hall? That was just an act. As you probably have found out by now, she's not one you want to get on her bad side. Anyway I sorted it now, you heard me."

"Mmm..whatever." He tried putting his arm around me and I shook him away. "Don't touch me Andrew."

"You don't trust me anymore, do you?"

"No why should I? You keep making me mad at you and for some reason you have to say one think and I completely forget, but not this time." I walked off round the corner in the direction that I thought the headmaster's office was.

"CARA?" He shouted.

"Leave me alone."

"The headmaster's office is left, not right."

I laughed feeling stupid and turned back this time going the right way.


Thank you for the 500 reads and 60 votes! They mean a lot to me, please comment with feedback.

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