Chapter Forty Eight - Cara's POV

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"I dunno, ask Cara what she likes will ya?" Richard replied.

Paul pulled at face at him and muttered something under his breath, "Why are you tip toeing around that stupid girl? She's not a princess so stop acting like she is. You seem to be forgetting who's daughter she is." He complained rudely.

"She's just lost her mother. How would you feel, no, how DID you feel when you lost your mother? You was older than her and you still struggled. At least she's trying, give her some time. She thinks her mum's out there, she thinks she's coming back. And you could at least try acting like a father to her." Richard shouted back in anger and frustration.

I coughed and said, "I was just going to ask what was for dinner and if you wanted any help." I folded my arms across her chest and tapped my foot on the floor.

"How much of that did you hear Cara?" He asked biting his lip.

"Enough by the sounds of it. Enough to know you completely lied to me. She's dead isn't she?" I asked clenching a fist and breathing deeply. I was forcing myself not to cry.

I watched Richard nod, "She died in a car accident two days ago or so now. I'm sorry Cara." He wasn't sorry, if he was sorry he would've told me straight away.

"How could you keep this from me? Did you really think it would work? When exactly did you plan on telling me?" I questioned angrily. My eyes flicking between Richard and Paul, who had kept quiet. Tears were trying so badly to escape from my eyes. "Who actually are you?" He shook his head speechlessly. "That's what I thought, no explanation." She glared. Paul just sat still frozen.

I stormed off upstairs taking two steps at a time. Once I reached my room I quietly ran back to the stairs and crept downstairs.

"Well thanks for the help there Paul!"

"What was I going to say? Cara, I'm your dad. Don't you think she would be a bit creeped out by that?" He responded. He had a point, I would've been creeped out. But it would have been better than hearing it this way.

I walked back upstairs, not caring if anyone heard me anymore. Sliding my phone out my pocket I texted Andrew. He immediately called me after my message sent.

"What's up Cara?" He asked casually.

A jumble of words tumbled out of my mouth making no sense.

"Hey, calm down, can I come over? It'll be easier to talk to you instead of over the phone." He asked.

"Probably a bad idea, meet me outside the school in ten minutes?" I asked. He agreed to meet there and then hung up.

I walked back downstairs with my bag, jacket and shoes on.

"Running away are we?" Paul asked.

I laughed, "No actually, not that you care. I've ran away before, I'm not stupid enough to leave my clothes and personal belongings here. I'm going out, if that's okay with you, dad." I sarcastically asked. I laughed seeing his shocked reaction, "That's what I thought."

I walked out the house trying to get my head around what happened and what I'd found out today while trying to remember the way to school.

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