Chapter Fourteen - Hero

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Brogan's POV

My phone beeped at just gone 4:30 with a text from Cara telling me she was going to get more of her stuff. I listened out as she let herself out the front door and it clicked shut again. Dragging myself out of bed I quickly threw on some clean clothes and put my shoes on. I didn't care that it was February and cold outside, I just needed to catch up with Cara as soon as possible.

I jogged along the path towards her house, well its sort of her old house now I guess. I couldn't see her so I figured she took a short cut or ran faster to get in and get out as soon as possible before her mum or Max woke up.

I reached the house a few minutes later, just as a bag was thrown out of the window. I recognised it straight away even if it was still fairly dark. It was Cara's old school bag. I stood there behind their car watching as she sat on the windowsill staring at the floor obviously planning her way out. There was no way she would be able to get down without falling, there was nowhere to hold on or anything. She slowly lowered herself down so she could shut the window making it less obvious that she had even been there.

I stepped out from behind the blue car as she started to slip. Running forward I stood directly under her. She tumbled to the floor so quickly trying to find something to hold onto. I stuck my arms out to catch her and she fell down landing in them. Her eyes were shut and she didn't expect anyone to be there to save her. Slowly opening her eyes she realised what happened. She stared at me in shock and shuffled round so she was standing up. Picking up her bag she went to put it on her back but I took it from her and put my arm through it pulling it onto my back supporting it with my hand. I put m other arm around her as she whispered "Quick we need to go." to me, shaking with shock and fear of being caught.

"You're safe now Cara." I whispered back as we walked faster.

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