Chapter Forty Nine

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Andrew and I walked quietly down the narrow path. Neither of us knew what to say to break the awkward silence. We were making so little noise you could hear a pin drop from a mile away. I hated the silence but I couldn't get my words out to form a sentence that makes sense. I had no idea where were we headed to. Even so I allowed myself to be taken to some random place away from our school. the rough path took us to a small park.

I inspected the tiny park and noticed a roundabout slowly turning as if someone had recently been on it. It creaked loudly causing me to cover my ears in pain. It also had two red swings at the side, the paint was chipping away and they were gently swaying in the chilly wind. Nearby to this there was a small climbing frame for the younger kids next to it. I spotted some metal benches and started to head towards them. Andrew laughed and pulled on my arm to get me to follow him in the other direction towards the swings. Without any hesitation I followed him and sat down on one of the swings. He sat down on the swing next to me and began to rock backwards and forwards. He lifted his feet off the ground and pushed the swing higher and higher into the air. I stayed completely still, frozen to the spot. 

"Don't be boring Cara, I bet I can get higher than you!" He shouted down to me, who was scuffing my shoe in the dirt. I ignored his bet and continued to scuff the end of my shoe.

The swing made an awful squeak as it slowed down. My hands flung up to my ears covering them until the swing stopped and Andrew hopped off. Slowly I removed my hands and went back to kicking at the dirt. I felt my feet being pulled away from the ground as my swing was lifted into the air. My swing flew forward as Andrew let go of the plastic seat. I screamed in shock and jumped off. Andrew fell about laughing at my reaction. I used the sleeves of my jumper to hit Andrew's arm playfully.

"Don't you ever to that again!" I advised him sternly my lips forming a small smile. It's probably the first time I had smiled since the incident with Megan in the canteen at school.

He punched the air, "And we have a smile!" He cheered.

"Oh shut up! Anyway, about that bet?" I ran towards the swing before he had a chance to respond.

Once Andrew finally caught up and realised what he said he also ran over to the swing and began to push himself higher and higher into the air. "You are so on!" He laughed at me.

"Oh my god, I so won!" I insisted.

"Cara, don't lie to me," he answered smiling, "Anyway, now that we've had a smile, what's wrong?"

My smile was wiped off my face in an instant and I took a deep breath, "My mum's dead, she died in a car accident a few days ago. I'm living with my dad and his friend."

His mouth dropped in shock, "What? How? I saw her a few days ago, she was fine..."

"I don't know, Paul and Richard, that's my dad and his friend, were yelled at each other and that's all I know apparently she seemed drunk when she approached them." I explained as best as I could, "Everything's all messed up. It's all my fault, if I had just ignored Megan I would have eaten and not fainted. I've ruined everything-"

"You've not ruined anything Cara. It's nobody's fault. The doctors didn't know the cause of your dizziness and fainting they just assumed it was down to your eating. You didn't stick around for them to find out, but that's not important. We'll get through this Cara," he reassured me kindly.

"That's what Richard said as well, but he lied to me. He told me my mum was coming back when she obviously wasn't."

"Cara, I'm not Richard though am I? Would I lie to you?"


I'm thinking about ending this story so comment on this chapter telling me if I should/shouldn't carry on, thanks.

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